Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part IV: Fundamental Concepts

Aug. 3, 2021, 3 p.m.

In the first three articles of this series of articles on getting started with IBM's Db2 Relational Database Management System, the installation methods were introduced and steps necessary for installation were presented, the installation using the Db2 Setup GUI wizard was described, and the various manual installation processes were detailed. This article, the last in the series, introduces some of the fundamental concepts of Db2 that should be understood in order to use this RDBMS.


The fundamental concepts of Db2 are:

  • its particular containment hierarchy, which allows multiple copies of the software to be installed, and multiple instances of self contained database environments to be created and managed, each instance associated with a specific installed copy of the Db2 Database software
  • instance owning users and user groups which have full administrative ownership of the instances as well as the fenced instance users which own the processes of user defined functions and stored procedures
  • the environment variables that set operating parameters and facilitate the operation of the instances
  • the filesystem paths for Db2 Database installation, instance data configuration, and data storage
  • the Db2 global registry that set operating parameters
  • the database manager configuration parameters that set operating parameters
  • the various types of commands used to interact with Db2: system commands and the two types of commands processed by command line processors provided by Db2
  • its connection and interaction tools, such as those that provide an interactive Db2 shell
  • its security model
  • its internal system tables organized into schemas
  • the management of instances
Each of these concepts is described below.

Containment Hierarchy

RDBMSes have what is generally known as a containment hierarchy, in which database objects are logically separated and isolated such that they belong to a containment level. A typical containment hierarchy is that in which tables and other database objects, such as indexes and views, belong to a schema, and schemas in turn belong to a database. These containment levels are not universal and Db2 adds several more levels.


Db2 in particular adds what is known as an instance. An instance can be considered to be what is generally and informally known as a "database", although in Db2 specific terminology, a database is a lower level containment entity. An instance is a self contained environment that includes a separate instance of a running RDBMS server program and associated directories and files which hold configuration for the instance, and directories and files which store the data of the instance managed by the RDBMS. Multiple instances can be created, each self contained and encompassing lower level objects such as schemas, tables, views, and other database objects. Each instance is associated with an independent installed copy of the Db2 Database software.


The Db2 architecture allows multiple copies of Db2 Database to be installed on the same computer, whether they are the same version or different versions of the software, allowing, for example, a new version of the software to be tested while an older version is used for production; or two installations of the same version to be used on the same computer, where one is for production use and another is used for developing and testing database applications.

In Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part II: Installation With DB2 Setup Wizard and Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part III: Manual Installation we installed multiple copies of the Db2 on Ubuntu 18.04. The following listing, the output of the db2ls -- one of the many system commands included with Db2 Database -- shows basic information on each copy.

db2user@u1804-lab:~$ db2ls

Install Path                       Level   Fix Pack   Special Install Number   Install Date                  Installer UID 
/opt/ibm/db2/V11.5             0                            Tue Dec 29 18:36:57 2020 EST             0 
/opt/ibm/db2/V11.5_01          0                            Sun Jan 10 20:11:01 2021 EST             0 
/opt/ibm/db2/V11.5_03          0                           Sat Jan 23 19:39:00 2021 EST             0 
/opt/ibm/db2/V11.5_02          0                            Sun Jan 24 20:39:19 2021 EST             0 
/opt/ibm/db2/V11.5_05          0                            Mon Jan 25 19:20:21 2021 EST             0 

Each copy is installed in a different directory within, by default, /opt/ibm/db2. Each copy of Db2 can have one or more instances associated with it, where the instances share the copy's program code as part of the operation of the instances. The following diagram provides a broad overview of the containment hierarchy of Db2 and shows the relationship between different copies (or installations) of Db2, instances, and lower level database objects.

The Db2 Containment Hierarchy

As we saw in the previous article, the Db2 system command that creates an instance is located within a subdirectory of a particular copy's installation directory. Because the command is within a particular copy's installation directory any instance created with the command is associated with the copy that contains the path of the specific command.

DB2 Users and User Groups

As in other RDBMSes -- and other types of applications -- OS users specifically created to own the files of the software and processes are important in Db2.

Instance Owning Users and Groups

Each instance is associated with an OS user with the same username as the instance name. This user is called an instance owning user, or instance owner which has administrative ownership of the instance, its associated files, and all Db2 processes associated with the instance. Each instance is also associated with an OS user called a fenced instance user, or fenced user, under whose user ID the processes of user-defined functions and stored procedures are run. The use of a separate fenced user provides increased security for the instance, which if not necessary, the instance owner can also be the fenced user.

We saw in Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part II: Installation With DB2 Setup Wizard the DB2 Setup wizard creates the the users associated with the instance it creates. We also saw in Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part III: Manual Installation that before creating an instance associated with an installed copy, the users associated with an instance had to be created. This is because the instance owner's home directory serves as the instance's home directory.

The following listing shows the instance users created by the two installations using the wizard, the instance users created in the manual installation via payload extraction process, and the instance users created by the response file installation.

db2user@u1804-lab:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep db2[i,f]
db2inst3:x:1006:130:db2inst3 instance owner:/home/db2inst3:/bin/bash
db2fenc3:x:1007:131:db2fenc3 instance fenced user:/home/db2fenc3:/bin/bash

The listing shows the output of the command cat /etc/passwd | grep db2[i,f] where the first two lines of the output lists users db2inst1 and db2fenc1, the instance owning user and the instance fenced user, respectively, created for the instance db2inst1 which was created by the installation of the first copy by the setup wizard. These users have home directories /home/db2inst1 and /home/db2fenc1 and their login shell is sh (actually provided by /bin/dash through a symbolic link). The next two lines show the users db2inst2 and db2fenc2 associated with the instance db2inst2, and with home directories at /home/db2inst2 and /home/db2fenc2. Note that the name of the instance owner and instance are the same. Also remember that the instance db2inst1 is in the containment of the first installed copy of Db2 the instance db2inst2 is in the containment of the second installed copy of Db2, the installation of which was described in Installing IBM Db2 on Linux Part II: Installation With Db2 Setup Wizard.

The following listing shows the primary user group and supplementary group membership of the instance owning users created by the first use of the setup wizard, by manually invoking useradd during the installation by payload extraction process, and by the setup tool with a response file, respectively:

db2user@u1804-lab:~$ id db2inst1 && id db2inst3 && id db2inst5
uid=1002(db2inst1) gid=130(db2iadm1) groups=130(db2iadm1)
uid=1006(db2inst3) gid=130(db2iadm1) groups=130(db2iadm1)
uid=1008(db2inst5) gid=130(db2iadm1) groups=130(db2iadm1)

The primary user group of all instances db2iadm1. This user group was automatically created by the setup wizard the first time it was used. When creating an instance owning user for the instance created during the payload installation method, it was assigned to the same primary user group. Again, during the installation with a response file, instance owners were assigned to the same group. None of the instance owning users has any supplementary group memberships.

The following listing shows the primary user group and supplementary group membership of the fenced users corresponding to the instance owners shown in the previous listing:

db2user@u1804-lab:~$ id db2fenc1 && id db2fenc3 && id db2fenc5
uid=1003(db2fenc1) gid=131(db2fadm1) groups=131(db2fadm1)
uid=1007(db2fenc3) gid=131(db2fadm1) groups=131(db2fadm1)
uid=1009(db2fenc5) gid=131(db2fadm1) groups=131(db2fadm1)

The primary user group of all fenced users shown in the listing is db2fadm1. This group was automatically created by the setup wizard the first time it was run, and during subsequent manual creation of fenced users they were assigned to the same group. None of the fenced users has any supplementary group memberships.

All interactions with the instance for administration, for example, when executing Db2 system commands (see below) that act on the instance, must be performed by a user who has the appropriate privileges to perform administrative tasks as defined by instance configuration. The instance owning user automatically has the necessary privileges for the instance it owns.

A third user type is possible in addition to the instance owning user and the instance fenced user, namely the Db2 administration server user. The Db2 administration server (DAS) is deprecated, so this is not discussed in this series of articles.

Important Filesystem Locations

Two filesystem paths are especially important in the operation of Db2:

  • the installation directory of each copy of Db2, all of which are subdirectories, by default, of /opt/ibm/db2
  • the instance home directory which is the instance owner's home directory which is typically the same as the username

The following screenshot of the Dolphin file browser shows two panes, the first, /opt/ibm/db2, has the contents of the installation directory of one of the copies of Db2, /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5_01, expanded, and the second the home directory of the instance owning user of db2inst1, which is also the instance home directory. Within the instance home are the directories db2inst1 and sqllib.

The Db2 Installation Directory and an Instance Owning User Home Directory

Within each of these directories are special directories important for Db2 operation, which with environment variables set by Db2 enable the higher level containment hierarchies. These important file system locations are discussed below.

Installation Directory

When using the Db2 Setup wizard, each copy of Db2 Database is installed in a subdirectory of /opt/ibm/db2 named after the version of Db2 installed. Subsequent copies of Db2 of the same version that are installed will have _NN appended to the installation directory name, where NN is a two digit number. The second installed copy will have _01 appended and, subsequent installations will increment the number by one. When using the manual installation methods, any path can be specified for the installation directory. In the previous article, describing each of the manual installation methods, the convention used by the wizard was followed. The listing in Section Containment Hierarchy/Copies shows the output of db2ls which displays the five installation directories of copies of Db2 Database created in the previous articles describing Db2 installation.

Within each installation directory two subdirectories are noteworthy, install and instance; for the first installation described in the second article of the series, these are specifically /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/install and /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/instance.

Instance Home Directory

The instance home directory is the instance owner's directory. For example, for an instance named db2inst1 created by the setup wizard, the wizard creates an instance owner of the same name with a home directory at /home/db2inst1. This directory -- the instance owner's home directory -- is the instance home directory. The instance owner's home directory does not necessarily have to have the same name as the username, although this is the convention in Linux systems.

As mentioned above and in the previous articles of this series, the instance owner name must be the same as the instance name. By default configuration, useradd, the low level Linux utility for creating users used by Db2 Setup will create a home directory with the same name as the username of the user being created (the instance owner), so that the instance name, instance owner username, and instance home directory name are the same.

A subdirectory within the instance owning user's home, also with the same name as the instance name, is created the first time an instance is started, for example, /home/db2inst1/db2inst1; this directory contains the data stored in the RDBMS instance. Another directory named sqllib exists within the instance home directory, for example, /home/db2inst1/sqllib which contains configuration files, and scripts that set environment variables for the instance, some instance specific executables, and symbolic links to Db2 commands located in a subdirectory of the installation directory of the Db2 copy associated with the instance.

Path Purpose
/home/db2inst1 Instance home directory
/home/db2inst1/db2inst1 Contains the NODEXXXX directory. For non-partitioned Db2 Database environments, there is only one directory, NODEXXXX, a place for all Db2 Database related files and directories for the instance on the computer.
  • Contains a subdirectory for each database created within the instance named after the database, i.e., DATABASENAME to hold the actual data managed by the Db2 RDBMS
  • Contains a subdirectory for each database created within the instance called the partition global directory named with the pattern, SQLXXXX, to hold such items as the database configuration file (SQLDBCON), and other needed files for history, log control, etc.; and subdirectories for event monitoring (dbevent), transaction logs (LOGSTREAMXXXX, where XXXX starts at 0000)
  • Contains a subrdirectory (sqldbdir
/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001 The partition global directory for the first database created within the instance; contains:
  • the first database's configuration file (SQLDBCON
  • other needed files for the first database's history: db2rhist, db2rhist, and db2rhist
  • a directory for the first database's transaction logs LOGSTREAM0000 containing log files in binary form with names in the form SXXXXXXX.LOG where XXXXXXX is a number starting at 0000000
  • the first database's log control files, e.g. SQLOGCTL.GLFH.1
  • files needed for the first database's buffer pool information, storage path information, table space information (SQLSPCS.1 and a duplicate for backup SQLSPCS.2)
/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL0001/MEMBER0000 Members are a Db2 Database concept which are related to workload balancing, which is beyond the scope of this article. If this functionality is not used there is one member directory in the partition global directory called MEMBER0000.
  • contains local versions of files in the partition global directory, e.g., SQLOGCTL.LLFH.1 vs. SQLOGCTL.GLFH.1
  • Contains scripts (db2profile and db2cshrc) to set appropriate environment variables necessary for interaction with instance through system commands (see Section Environment Variables, below)
  • Contains RDBMS configuration file (db2systm)
  • Contains a configuration file used in partitioned environments (db2nodes.cfg)
  • Contains local database directory (sqldbdir) which in turn contains the files sqldbbak, sqldbdir, and sqldbins
  • Contains directory (db2dump) to hold error messages pertaining to Db2 operation
  • Contains symbolic links to directories containing executable files and libraries in the installation directory of the Db2 copy associated with the instance
  • contains the directory which in turn contains files for a diagnostic log (db2diag.log), an event log (db2eventlog.000) and other related directories

PATH Setting Per Instance

The symbolic links in the sqllib directory of the instance home directory are important because the actual installation directory, or any subdirectory within it, is not added to the instance owner's -- or any user's -- login shell PATH environment variable. Instead the the symbolic links in the sqllib directory of the instance home directory are added to the PATH environment variable of the instance owner's login shell. The listing below shows the symbolic links in sqllib and their targets. (From the previous discussion we can see that this instance home containing sqllib is associated with the copy installed in /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5.)

root@u1804-lab:/home/db2inst1/sqllib# find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -ls
   283546      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       26 Dec 29 18:37 ./include -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/include
   283547      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       24 Dec 29 18:37 ./lib32 -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/lib32
   283544      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       23 Dec 29 18:37 ./java -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/java
   283545      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       22 Dec 29 18:37 ./doc -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/doc
   283551      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       21 Dec 29 18:37 ./pd -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/pd
   283549      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       22 Dec 29 18:37 ./map -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/map
   283562      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       25 Dec 29 18:37 ./python -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/python
   283563      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1        5 Dec 29 18:37 ./.32 -> lib32
   283553      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       24 Dec 29 18:37 ./tools -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/tools
   283554      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       23 Dec 29 18:37 ./json -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/json
   283542      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       22 Dec 29 18:37 ./bnd -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/bnd
   283557      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       25 Dec 29 18:37 ./Readme -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/Readme
   283548      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       24 Dec 29 18:37 ./lib64 -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/lib64
   283556      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       26 Dec 29 18:37 ./samples -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/samples
   283565      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1        5 Dec 29 18:37 ./lib -> lib64
   283559      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       26 Dec 29 18:37 ./infopop -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/infopop
   283555      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       22 Dec 29 18:37 ./msg -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/msg
   283541      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       22 Dec 29 18:37 ./bin -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/bin
   283564      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1        5 Dec 29 18:37 ./.64 -> lib64
   283550      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       23 Dec 29 18:37 ./misc -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/misc
   283558      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       24 Dec 29 18:37 ./gskit -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/gskit
   283543      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       23 Dec 29 18:37 ./conv -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/conv
   283552      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       29 Dec 29 18:37 ./federation -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/federation
   283561      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       22 Dec 29 18:37 ./gse -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/gse
   283540      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     db2iadm1       23 Dec 29 18:37 ./adsm -> /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/adsm

The first part of the following listing shows the value of PATH for the instance owning user db2inst1. The filesystem paths

  • /home/db2inst1/sqllib/bin
  • /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm
  • /home/db2inst1/sqllib/misc
  • /home/db2inst1/sqllib/gskit/bin
  • /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2tss/bin

are added to the instance owner's login shell PATH environment variable. In the second part of the listing, after exiting the login shell of the db2inst1 instance owning user, and switching user to the login shell of the db2inst2 instance owning user, we see that similar paths within the instance owner's directory are added. In this case however, /home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2tss/bin is not included in this user's login shell environment PATH environment variable because this particular file path is associated with a feature of Db2 that was not installed in the copy of Db2 associated with this instance, namely the Db2 Text Search Service (compare the screenshots of the two installations using the Db2 Setup wizard in Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part II: Installation With DB2 Setup Wizard).

db2user@u1804-lab:~$ su - db2inst1
$ echo $PATH
$ exit
db2user@u1804-lab:~$ su - db2inst2
$ echo $PATH

Environment Variables

Environment variables are used by Db2 Database to configure its operation. We saw in the previous section that the standard Linux (and UNIX) PATH environment variable is modified for a Db2 instance owner. Other non-standard environment variables can also be created and set by Db2 for its operation. One of the most important of these is the DB2INSTANCE environment variable. When the value of this environment variable is set to a Db2 instance name, the instance becomes the default instance, such that subsequent Db2 Database system commands will operate on that specific instance.

This environment variable and others are set automatically to the appropriate values for each instance owner upon login or switching user via the su command with the -, -l, or --login option to make the shell a login shell. This behavior is due to the command that creates instances, db2icrt, and its associated instance utilities modifying the standard ~/.profile of a new user -- in the case that the user's login shell is a Bourne or compatible shell -- to source db2profile, a file that is installed to the sqllib directory within the instance owner's home directory when an instance is created. Alternatively, db2icrt makes a similar modification to ~/.login for C shell to source db2cshrc -- also installed to the sqllib directory -- if the useradd utility is configured to set a new user's shell to C shell. db2profile and db2cshrc are populated with statements that set the appropriate environment variable values for the instance when it is sourced.

Besides setting DB2INSTANCE, these scripts set environment variables that specify the installation directory of the Db2 copy with which the instance is associated, the instance home directory, i.e. the path of the instance owner home directory; perform other logic related to resetting the default instance, when another instance's db2profile is sourced; facilitate use of language connectors to SQL, and Db2 connection tools. And, as mentioned previously, they modify the PATH environment variable to include paths within the instance home's sqllib directory. Some of the environment variables set by the db2profile script are listed in the following table.

Environment Variable Description
DB2DIR Installation directory of Db2 copy associated with instance whose home is the directory in which the db2profile is found
DB2INSTANCE Specifies the current or default instance, such that subsequent commands issued by the user for whom db2profile is sourced will act on this instance
INSTHOME Specifies the home directory of the instance, such that subsequent commands issued by the user for whom db2profile is sourced can use this value if it is needed.
INST_DIR Specifies the path of sqllib

These scripts also call other scripts, blank files meant for user additions to logic or modification of relevant environment variables. The blank files are located within the same directory as those that set the default variables and are named userprofile to be used in Bourne shell and compatible shells or usercshrc to be used in C shell.

As stated previously, the instance owner, when logging in or activating a login shell will have the environment variables appropriately set such that any Db2 system commands will affect the correct instance. However, any user can source the db2profile or db2cshrc, for a particular instance and issue any of the Db2 system commands to act on the instance. It is necessary for such use of the system commands that a user that is not an instance owner have proper permissions used by the commands. Adding the user to the primary user group of the instance owner helps in most cases to have the appropriate permissions.

For any other user that is not an instance owner, environment variables can also be set:

  • manually using the normal commands (i.e., export, setenv) appropriate for the current shell session to set specific environment variables
  • by sourcing the db2profile or db2cshrc in the files read by the user's shell at login for persistently setting the variables for the user,
  • by sourcing db2profile or db2cshrc directly on the command line

These methods allow any user who has been given appropriate filesystem permissions, for example by being added to the primary user group of an instance owner, to execute the system commands on the correct instance.

The following listing shows the effect of sourcing the db2profile script on the PATH and DB2INSTANCE environment variables for a user that is not an instance owner. Before the user db2user sources /home/db2inst6/sqllib/db2profile, the user's PATH variable is that of a standard Ubuntu installation and the DB2INSTANCE variable is not set. After sourcing db2inst6's db2profile, the appropriate paths for db2inst6 are added to the user's PATH environment variable and the value of the environment variable DB2INSTANCE is set.

db2user@u1804-lab:~$ echo $PATH 
db2user@u1804-lab:~$ echo $DB2INSTANCE

db2user@u1804-lab:~$ source /home/db2inst6/sqllib/db2profile
db2user@u1804-lab:~$ echo $PATH
db2user@u1804-lab:~$ echo $DB2INSTANCE

In early versions of Db2 environment variables were exclusively used to configure the behavior of Db2. In Version 5 of Db2 registry variables and registry profiles were introduced and most of these environment variables and are now managed in profile registries and stored as registry variables. The notable exceptions for Linux are the notable exception on Linux systems is the environment variable DB2INSTANCE and DB2NODE environment variables which must be set outside of the profile registries using the normal OS specific for setting environment variables. The other environment variables found in instance-home/sqllib/db2profile or instance-home/sqllib/db2cshrc are, of course, stored outside of the profile registries.

The registry profile mechanism provided some benefits over environment variables in configuring Db2 operation:

  • a system restart is not required when setting or changing registry values
  • registry values can be modified from a remote connection to Db2 Database

Registry profiles and variables are discussed in the next section.

Profile Registries

In addition to using environment variables to configure its operation and behavior, Db2 Database also uses a set of profile registry variables for the same purpose. The registry variables are stored in one of three profile registries in Linux and UNIX systems as shown in the following table.

Registry Description Location
instance-level profile registry registry variables for an instance instance_home/sqllib/profile.env
global-level profile registry default registry variables that are used when instance-level registry values are not set /var/db2/global.reg
instance-node-level profile registry registry variables that apply to an instance in a particular node, or partition, of a partitioned Db2 environment instance_home/sqllib/nodes/node_number.env

Each of these profile registries themselves are registered in the instance profile registry, which is also stored in the same location as the global level registry, i.e., /var/db2/global.reg.

For this series of articles, a non-partitioned Db2 Database environments were configured, so the instance node-level registry does not exist for any of the instances created in the previous articles. But the other two levels are configured. The global-level registry is a binary file (/var/db2/global.reg). The instance-level registries, however, are stored in a simple text file (instance_home/sqllib/profile.env) which contain variable assignments. For example, the contents of the instance-level registry for instance db2inst1 are:


Db2 registry values and some Db2 environment variables are managed with the db2set Db2 Database system command. The options to the command will determine exactly what the command will do. Some options will specify the registry level, the particular instance and whether values are displayed or set. Some examples to illustrate its use:

Display instance profiles associated with a particular Db2 Database: copy
$ db2set -l
Display all supported registry variables:
$ db2set -lr
View all set instance-level registry variables and values
$ db2set
View all set registry variables and values at all levels:
$ db2set -all
[g] DB2SYSTEM=u1804-lab
The letter in brackets preceding each variable can be one of e, i, n, or g, indicating -- respectively -- environment variable, instance-level registry, instance-node-level registry, or global-level registry. Environment variables are only displayed by sb2set on Windows.
View global-level registry values available to all instances associated with a Db2 copy:
db2user@u1804-lab:~$ su -
root@u1804-lab:~# . /home/db2inst5/sqllib/db2profile
root@u1804-lab:~# db2set -g
Note that the use of the -g indicating action on the global-level registry requires root authority. Running the command as an instance owner results in the following error:
$ db2set -g

DBI1052E  The command failed because the current user does not have
      system root user authority.


Special privileges are required to execute some DB2 database commands.

This message is returned when a non-root user ID issues a database
command that requires root user authority.

User response: 

Login as root and then issue the command again.

   Related information:
   Installing DB2 database servers as a non-root user

Also, it is necessary to source the db2profile of an instance associated with a copy of interest in order for the command to be found.
Set a registry variable at the global level:
db2user@u1804-lab:~$ su -
root@u1804-lab:~# . /home/db2inst5/sqllib/db2profile
root@u1804-lab:~# db2set -g DB2COMM=TCPIP
Again the -g requires root privileges.
Set a registry variable at the instance level:
$ db2set -i db2inst5 DB2COMM=TCPIP
Remove a registry variable at the instance level:
$ db2set -i db2inst5 DB2COMM=
For more examples on db2set, see db2set - Db2 profile registry command.

As we saw above with the -g option, the OS user executing this command must have sufficient privileges to execute the command to act on a particular registry level; the instance owner can execute the command to act on a specific instances instance-level registry, but only the OS root user can execute the command to act on the global-level registry.

Db2 registry values can also be viewed by querying system tables after starting a Db2 CLP (see below) shell with the system command db2 and connecting to a database. For example, to view the same variables displayed by the db2set -all the following query, shown below with its output, can be used:


REGVAR               VALUE           LEVEL
-------------------- --------------- -----
DB2SYSTEM            u1804-lab       G    
DB2AUTOSTART         YES             I    
DB2COMM              TCPIP           I    
DB2_ATS_ENABLE       YES             I    

  4 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

The environment variables and registry variables have a specific order of precedence. At startup Db2 determines values of variables and uses them to configure its operation in the order of precedence. In increasing order of precedence on Linux and UNIX systems they are:

  • environment variables (those set outside the profile registries by, for example, the db2profile script)
  • instance node-level registry variables
  • instance-level registry variables
  • global-level registry variables

Db2 System Commands and Db2 Commands

Three classes of commands exist for interacting with a Db2 RDBMS, Db2 system commands, Command Line Processor (CLP) commands , and Command Line Processor Plus (CLP Plus) commands. These should not be confused with SQL statements which interact with the actual data managed by the RDBMS.

The system commands are regular commands installed as part of Db2 and entered like any other command, such as ls, in an operating system shell. Examples of Db2 include db2set, db2icrt, db2ls, and db2start, some of which we have seen earlier in this article and the previous articles.

The table below lists the most important Db2 system commands and their function.

System Command Purpose
db2 Opens Db2 client shell or is used to pass commands to instance
db2icrt Creates instance
db2licm Manages IBM Db2 software license
db2ilist Lists instances that are associated with the same Db2 copy as that used to create instances with the db2icrt command
db2iupdt Updates instance (useful in correcting errors, such as filesystem permissions)
db2iupgrd Upgrades instances
db2ls Displays information on installed copies
db2reg Depending on options displays or manipulates DB2 registry data
db2sampl Creates a sample database in the current instance
db2set Sets some environment variables in the Db2 registries as registry variables
db2start Starts current instance
db2stop Stops current instance

CLP and CLPP commands, unlike Db2 system commands must be entered in special command line processors provided by Db2 for interacting with Db2 and for entering SQL statements. Two such command line processors are currently provided by Db2, the CLP (Command Line Processor) and the CLPP (Command Line Processor Plus). (Both command line processors and their invocation are discussed in the following section.) As is suggested by the names of these tools, CLP commands are entered in the CLP and CLPP commands are entered in the CLPP.

A complete list of commands from either set can be produced by their respective shells. In the CLP interactive shell, entering ? will produce the list of available commands and a hint on how to display specific information on an individual command, as shown in the following listing:

db2 => ?
 BIND                     GET RECOMMENDATIONS        RESET DBM CFG
 CATALOG DATABASE         HELP                       RESTORE DATABASE
 DROP CONTACTGROUP        LOAD                       UNCATALOG NODE
 EDIT                     PUT ROUTINE                UPDATE COMMAND OPTIONS
 EXPORT                   QUERY CLIENT               UPDATE CONTACT
 GET/UPDATE CLI CFG       QUIT                       UPDATE LDAP NODE

Note:  Some commands are operating system specific and may not be available.

For further help:
                  ? db2-command   - help for specified command
                  ? OPTIONS       - help for all command options
                  ? HELP          - help for reading help screens
The preceding three options can be run as db2 

In the CLPP, entering ? INDEX will list the CLPP commands as well as display a hint on how to display specific information on an individual command, as shown in the following listing:



Type 'HELP [topic]' for command line help.

.                   /                   @                   @@                  
ACCEPT              APPEND              BREAK               BTITLE              
CHANGE              CLEAR               CLPPLUS             COLUMN              
COMPUTE             CONNECT             COPY                CURRENT_SCHEMA      
DEFINE              DEFINE_EDITOR       DEL                 DESCRIBE            
DISCONNECT          EDIT                EXECUTE             EXIT                
EXPLAIN             GET                 HELP                HOST                
IDA LOADGEOSPATIALDATA                  IDA REGISTERUDX     INDEX               
INPUT               LIST                PASSWORD            PAUSE               
PRINT               PROMPT              QUIT                REMARK              
REPFOOTER           REPHEADER           RUN                 SAVE                
SET                 SHOW                SPOOL               START               
TTITLE              UNDEFINE            VARIABLE            WHENEVER


It should be noted that although there is some similarity between command names between the two sets, they are distinct from each other. However a certain subset of CLP commands -- not displayed by ? INDEX -- are supported by CLPPlus with minor differences in command options and output format. These are listed in the Db2 Knowledge Center page Db2 commands supported by CLPPlus.

Connection and DB Interaction Tools

Db2 provides two client programs that provide a means for interacting with Db2 server instances, similar to the mysql client program -- Command Line Processor (CLP) and Command Line Processor Plus (CLPP). Of these, as the difference in the names implies, the latter provides more features and functionality.


The CLP is used to issue RDBMS management related commands and SQL statements. It is invoked with the db2 system command and has three operation modes:

  • interactive input mode, which provides an interactive shell for interacting with an instance's RDBMS functions and issuing SQL statements
  • command mode, which allows issuing single RDBMS commands and SQL statements to an instance without starting an interactive shell
  • batch mode, which allows commands in an input file to be read and executed

CLP Interactive Mode

When the CLP is started in interactive mode, it provides a Db2 shell prompt where SQL commands can be entered and results displayed. It is started by the instance owner by issuing the db2 command without any arguments or options, upon which a welcome message with helpful hints is displayed. This initial output is shown below.

$ db2
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2007
Command Line Processor for DB2 Client

You can issue database manager commands and SQL statements from the command 
prompt. For example:
    db2 => connect to sample
    db2 => bind sample.bnd

For general help, type: ?.
For command help, type: ? command, where command can be
the first few keywords of a database manager command. For example:
 ? CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command
 ? CATALOG          for help on all of the CATALOG commands.

To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outside 
interactive mode, all commands must be prefixed with 'db2'.
To list the current command option settings, type LIST COMMAND OPTIONS.

For more detailed help, refer to the Online Reference Manual.

db2 =>

After the welcome message, a CLP interactive mode command prompt (db2 =>) is displayed, indicating that the interactive shell is ready for input. The default command prompt can be modified by setting the registry variable DB2_CLPPROMPT to a desired string. Tokens that represent certain characteristics of the connection are available to incorporate into the prompt. For example, setting the registry variable as in

$ db2set DB2_CLPPROMPT="%i:%d%ndb2=>>"

where %i, %d, and %n are tokens representing, respectively, the current instance, the currently connected database, and a newline will produce the prompt


after the CLP interactive shell is started, but before a connection to a database is made. Once a database connection is made -- in this case to SAMPLE -- subsequent prompts become


SQL statements entered in the CLP interaction mode shell do not need to be terminated with a semicolon as is typical in some other RDBMS interactive shells. Long statements can be entered on more than one line by entering a \ to break a line, as shown in the following listing:

db2=>>SELECT * \
db2=>>FROM emp

------ ------------ ------- --------------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- ------- --- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
000010 CHRISTINE    I       HAAS            A00      3978    01/01/1995 PRES          18 F   08/24/1963   152750.00     1000.00     4220.00
000020 MICHAEL      L       THOMPSON        B01      3476    10/10/2003 MANAGER       18 M   02/02/1978    94250.00      800.00     3300.00
000030 SALLY        A       KWAN            C01      4738    04/05/2005 MANAGER       20 F   05/11/1971    98250.00      800.00     3060.00


after the prompt is customized, and:

db2 => SELECT * \
db2 (cont.) => FROM emp

------ ------------ ------- --------------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- ------- --- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
000010 CHRISTINE    I       HAAS            A00      3978    01/01/1995 PRES          18 F   08/24/1963   152750.00     1000.00     4220.00
000020 MICHAEL      L       THOMPSON        B01      3476    10/10/2003 MANAGER       18 M   02/02/1978    94250.00      800.00     3300.00
000030 SALLY        A       KWAN            C01      4738    04/05/2005 MANAGER       20 F   05/11/1971    98250.00      800.00     3060.00

  42 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

when using the default prompt.

As indicated in its welcome message, the CLP interactive shell is stopped with the QUIT command. It can also be stopped with the TERMINATE command, which in addition to stopping the CLP, also stops the backend process that manages the connection to the database.

CLP Command Mode

The CLP command mode allows a Db2 instance owner -- or a user that has sourced the appropriate db2profile or db2cshrc file and has been added to the relevant instance owner's primary group -- to execute SQL statements on a database within an instance and Db2 utilities one at a time directly from the OS shell. This mode also uses the db2 command but in this case it is a prefix to the SQL statements and Db2 utility commands that are entered at the OS prompt. The general syntax of this use of db2 is:

db2 'SQL statement'


db2 'CLP command'

Responses are output to the terminal as if it was to an interactive shell.

First ensure that the instance with which we wish to interact is running, for example by executing the db2start command as the instance owner. Then connect to a specific database with which to interact before issuing other commands, as in:

$ db2 'CONNECT TO sample'

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/LINUXX8664
 SQL authorization ID   = DB2INST1
 Local database alias   = SAMPLE


Subsequent CLP command mode commands will act on the connected database. Some examples of the use of this mode of the CLP follow.


                           Active Databases

Database name                              = SAMPLE
Applications connected currently           = 2
Database path                              = /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/MEMBER0000/


Table/View                      Schema          Type  Creation time             
------------------------------- --------------- ----- --------------------------
ACT                             DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
ADEFUSR                         DB2INST1        S     2020-12-30-
CATALOG                         DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
CL_SCHED                        DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
CUSTOMER                        DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
DEPARTMENT                      DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
DEPT                            DB2INST1        A     2020-12-30-
EMP                             DB2INST1        A     2020-12-30-
EMPACT                          DB2INST1        A     2020-12-30-
EMPLOYEE                        DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
EMPMDC                          DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
EMPPROJACT                      DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
EMP_ACT                         DB2INST1        A     2020-12-30-
EMP_PHOTO                       DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
EMP_RESUME                      DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
INVENTORY                       DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
IN_TRAY                         DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
ORG                             DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
PRODUCT                         DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
PRODUCTSUPPLIER                 DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
PROJ                            DB2INST1        A     2020-12-30-
PROJACT                         DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
PROJECT                         DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
PURCHASEORDER                   DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
SALES                           DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
STAFF                           DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
STAFFG                          DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
SUPPLIERS                       DB2INST1        T     2020-12-30-
VACT                            DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VASTRDE1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VASTRDE2                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VDEPMG1                         DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VDEPT                           DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VEMP                            DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VEMPDPT1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VEMPLP                          DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VEMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VFORPLA                         DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VHDEPT                          DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VPHONE                          DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VPROJ                           DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VPROJACT                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VPROJRE1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VPSTRDE1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VPSTRDE2                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VSTAFAC1                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-
VSTAFAC2                        DB2INST1        V     2020-12-30-

  47 record(s) selected.

$ db2 'SELECT * FROM vemp'

------ ------------ ------- --------------- --------
000010 CHRISTINE    I       HAAS            A00     
000020 MICHAEL      L       THOMPSON        B01     
000030 SALLY        A       KWAN            C01     
000050 JOHN         B       GEYER           E01     
000060 IRVING       F       STERN           D11     
000070 EVA          D       PULASKI         D21     
000090 EILEEN       W       HENDERSON       E11     
000100 THEODORE     Q       SPENSER         E21     
000110 VINCENZO     G       LUCCHESSI       A00     
000120 SEAN                 O'CONNELL       A00     
000130 DELORES      M       QUINTANA        C01     
000140 HEATHER      A       NICHOLLS        C01     
000150 BRUCE                ADAMSON         D11     
000160 ELIZABETH    R       PIANKA          D11     
000170 MASATOSHI    J       YOSHIMURA       D11     
000180 MARILYN      S       SCOUTTEN        D11     
000190 JAMES        H       WALKER          D11     
000200 DAVID                BROWN           D11     
000210 WILLIAM      T       JONES           D11     
000220 JENNIFER     K       LUTZ            D11     
000230 JAMES        J       JEFFERSON       D21     
000240 SALVATORE    M       MARINO          D21     
000250 DANIEL       S       SMITH           D21     
000260 SYBIL        P       JOHNSON         D21     
000270 MARIA        L       PEREZ           D21     
000280 ETHEL        R       SCHNEIDER       E11     
000290 JOHN         R       PARKER          E11     
000300 PHILIP       X       SMITH           E11     
000310 MAUDE        F       SETRIGHT        E11     
000320 RAMLAL       V       MEHTA           E21     
000330 WING                 LEE             E21     
000340 JASON        R       GOUNOT          E21     
200010 DIAN         J       HEMMINGER       A00     
200120 GREG                 ORLANDO         A00     
200140 KIM          N       NATZ            C01     
200170 KIYOSHI              YAMAMOTO        D11     
200220 REBA         K       JOHN            D11     
200240 ROBERT       M       MONTEVERDE      D21     
200280 EILEEN       R       SCHWARTZ        E11     
200310 MICHELLE     F       SPRINGER        E11     
200330 HELENA               WONG            E21     
200340 ROY          R       ALONZO          E21     

  42 record(s) selected.


Command Line Processor Batch Mode

The CLP batch mode allows a sequence of SQL statements contained in a separate file to be executed like a script. For this mode the command format is

db2 -f filename

where the -f option indicates that its option argument is a file that contains Db2 commands to be executed and is to be read in.

Numerous options in addition to the -f mentioned above exist that affect the behavior of the db2 command. See Command line processor features and Command line processor options for details.

Command Line Processor Plus

The CLPP is another tool that provides an interactive shell for Db2 and allows the instance owner (and other users with the same stipulations for using CLPP as executing the db2 command described above) to issue CLPP commands, enter SQL statements, and run scripts that contain SQL statements and commands. The CLPP differs from the shell provided by the interactive mode of CLP in that the set of commands it supports is different. Also, unlike the CLP interactive shell, the CLPP shell has the ability to connect to databases on remote computers running a Db2 Database server and execute scripts that contain SQL statements that are located on a remote computer.

The CLPP can provide one of two window modes upon invocation, a non-windowed mode that displays its command prompt in the same terminal as the CLP interactive mode, and a windowed mode that opens a new Java terminal window implemented by Java. The basic command to invoke either of these modes is clpplus. The command with the -nw option opens the non-windowed mode, while the command without the -nw option uses the same OS terminal in which the the clpplus to display its command prompt, SQL>, behavior similar to the CLP interactive shell in that the same window is used for the Db2 prompt.

In addition to the -nw option and a few others to adjust the quantity and type of message output, other command parameters as arguments are available to facilitate connections to databases, include those that specify a database, the hostname on which the database resides, a user that exists on the remote host to connect as and the port on the remote host which listens for incoming connections to the instance that contains the database. For example,

$ clpplus -nw db2inst1@localhost:50000/sample

creates an interactive session in the terminal window where it is executed with a connection to the database sample as user db2inst1 on host localhostlistening on port 50000. Executing, the command with the -nw option but without any of the arguments will open an interactive session in the same terminal as where the command is executed but without a connection to any database, remote or local. In this case the CLPPlus command CONNECT would have to be issued shown in the following listing:

$ clpplus -nw
CLPPlus: Version 1.6
Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, IBM CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.

DB250419W: The SQL buffer is empty.
SQL> CONNECT db2inst1@localhost:50000/sample
Enter password: ************

Database Connection Information :
Hostname = localhost 
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664  SQL110550 
SQL authorization ID = db2inst1 
Local database alias = SAMPLE 
Port = 50000 


The above listing, and the example preceding it, demonstrate the invocation of CLPPlus in non-windowed mode. Invocation of CLPPlus in windowed mode requires a running X Window System server. The listing below shows the message produced when attempting to start the windowed mode shell without basic X Window System configuration:

$ clpplus

No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
DB250006E: Command Line Processor Plus (CLPPlus) failed to start.

Had this command been executed on a system with a running X server such as the system with a fully configured desktop environment shown in Section Installing Directly on a Computer with a Desktop Environment Using Db2 Setup Wizard of Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part II: Installation With DB2 Setup Wizard, a new window would open with a CLPPlus shell. To use the CLPPlus shell in the most common use case where an SSH connection is first made to a remote computer where the Db2 server is running, the same method for forwarding the X window to the local computer described in Section Installing on a Remote Computer Without a Desktop Environment Using Db2 Setup Wizard of that article can be used.

The right side of the following image shows a CPPPlus windowed-mode shell that has been invoked in top pane of the Konsole window on the left side of the image after an SSH connection has been established with the -X option, the MIT magic cookie of the user for whom the SSH session has been started copied to the .Xauthority file of db2inst1 and forwarded to the local computer.

The CLP Plus Interactive Consoles

The image also shows the invocation of a CLPPlus shell in non-windowed mode and the initial message and first command prompt after invocation.


Numerous graphical tools are available to interact with Db2 Database. The most comprehensive of these is IBM Data Studio which the IBM Knowledge Center page for this product describes it as follows:

IBM Data Studio consists of the Data Studio client and the Data Studio web console, which provide the tools that you need for developing database applications, administering databases and database instances, and tuning queries.

The Data Studio client provides an integrated development environment for routine and Java application development, database and database instance administration, and query tuning. The Data Studio client can be installed with other IBM software products so that they can share a common environment.

The Data Studio web console provides health and availability monitoring features and job creation and management tools for your databases.

A full treatment of IBM Data Studio deserves its own article, but for the sake of completeness of this article it is sufficient to state that it is very powerful and has extensive functionality, especially compared to similar FOSS products such as MySQL Workbench. A few screenshots of it running locally on openSUSE Tumbleweed while connected to a remote database are presented below.

IBM Data Studio Running on openSUSE Tumbleweed
IBM Data Studio is a full featured GUI for Db2 Database administration and database application development based on the Eclipse IDE.

Database Manager Configuration and Database Configuration Parameters

Two other mechanism exists in Db2 Database in addition to environment variables and registry variables to configure its operation. These are the database manager configuration parameters and the database configuration parameters, where the former configure Db2 operation on a per instance basis and the latter on a per specific database basis.

Database Manager Configuration Parameters

Database manager configuration parameters are stored in binary format in the file instance_home/sqllib/db2systm. For the instance db2inst1 created first with the Db2 Setup wizard in the first article of this series, the file is /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2systm.

Database configuration parameters are displayed and managed with four commands, reduced versions of which are:

  • GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION to view the database manager configuration parameters of the current instance
  • UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION config-parameter config-parameter-value to set a database manager configuration parameter
  • RESET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION to reset all of the current instance's database manager configuration parameter values to their default values
  • AUTOCONFIGURE to set values of database manager configuration values as determined by Db2

After switching user to the db2inst1 instance owner with su - db2inst1 we can run the command in CLP command mode as follows to display the instances database configuration parameters:


          Database Manager Configuration

     Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote clients

 Database manager configuration release level            = 0x1500

 CPU speed (millisec/instruction)             (CPUSPEED) = 6.691544e-08
 Communications bandwidth (MB/sec)      (COMM_BANDWIDTH) = 1.000000e+02

 Max number of concurrently active databases     (NUMDB) = 32
 Federated Database System Support           (FEDERATED) = NO
 Transaction processor monitor name        (TP_MON_NAME) = 

 Default charge-back account           (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) = 

 Java Development Kit installation path       (JDK_PATH) = /home/db2inst1/sqllib/java/jdk64

 Diagnostic error capture level              (DIAGLEVEL) = 3
 Notify Level                              (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 3
 Diagnostic data directory path               (DIAGPATH) = /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/ $m
 Current member resolved DIAGPATH                        = /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/DIAG0000/
 Alternate diagnostic data directory path (ALT_DIAGPATH) = 
 Current member resolved ALT_DIAGPATH                    = 
 Size of rotating db2diag & notify logs (MB)  (DIAGSIZE) = 0

 Default database monitor switches
   Buffer pool                         (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = OFF
   Lock                                   (DFT_MON_LOCK) = OFF
   Sort                                   (DFT_MON_SORT) = OFF
   Statement                              (DFT_MON_STMT) = OFF
   Table                                 (DFT_MON_TABLE) = OFF
   Timestamp                         (DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP) = ON
   Unit of work                            (DFT_MON_UOW) = OFF
 Monitor health of instance and databases   (HEALTH_MON) = OFF

 SYSADM group name                        (SYSADM_GROUP) = DB2IADM1
 SYSCTRL group name                      (SYSCTRL_GROUP) = 
 SYSMAINT group name                    (SYSMAINT_GROUP) = 
 SYSMON group name                        (SYSMON_GROUP) = 

 Client Userid-Password Plugin          (CLNT_PW_PLUGIN) = 
 Client Kerberos Plugin                (CLNT_KRB_PLUGIN) = 
 Group Plugin                             (GROUP_PLUGIN) = 
 GSS Plugin for Local Authorization    (LOCAL_GSSPLUGIN) = 
 Server Plugin Mode                    (SRV_PLUGIN_MODE) = UNFENCED
 Server List of GSS Plugins      (SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST) = 
 Server Userid-Password Plugin        (SRVCON_PW_PLUGIN) = 
 Server Connection Authentication          (SRVCON_AUTH) = NOT_SPECIFIED
 Cluster manager                                         = 

 Database manager authentication        (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER
 Alternate authentication           (ALTERNATE_AUTH_ENC) = NOT_SPECIFIED
 Cataloging allowed without authority   (CATALOG_NOAUTH) = NO
 Trust all clients                      (TRUST_ALLCLNTS) = YES
 Trusted client authentication          (TRUST_CLNTAUTH) = CLIENT
 Bypass federated authentication            (FED_NOAUTH) = NO

 Default database path                       (DFTDBPATH) = /home/db2inst1

 Database monitor heap size (4KB)          (MON_HEAP_SZ) = AUTOMATIC(90)
 Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB)     (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 65536
 Audit buffer size (4KB)                  (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0
 Global instance memory (% or 4KB)     (INSTANCE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC(388059)
 Member instance memory (% or 4KB)                       = GLOBAL
 Agent stack size                       (AGENT_STACK_SZ) = 1024
 Sort heap threshold (4KB)                  (SHEAPTHRES) = 0

 Directory cache support                     (DIR_CACHE) = YES

 Application support layer heap size (4KB)   (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15
 Max requester I/O block size (bytes)         (RQRIOBLK) = 65535
 Workload impact by throttled utilities(UTIL_IMPACT_LIM) = 10

 Priority of agents                           (AGENTPRI) = SYSTEM
 Agent pool size                        (NUM_POOLAGENTS) = AUTOMATIC(100)
 Initial number of agents in pool       (NUM_INITAGENTS) = 0
 Max number of coordinating agents     (MAX_COORDAGENTS) = AUTOMATIC(200)
 Max number of client connections      (MAX_CONNECTIONS) = AUTOMATIC(MAX_COORDAGENTS)

 Keep fenced process                        (KEEPFENCED) = YES
 Number of pooled fenced processes         (FENCED_POOL) = AUTOMATIC(MAX_COORDAGENTS)
 Initial number of fenced processes     (NUM_INITFENCED) = 0

 Index re-creation time and redo index build  (INDEXREC) = RESTART

 Transaction manager database name         (TM_DATABASE) = 1ST_CONN
 Transaction resync interval (sec)     (RESYNC_INTERVAL) = 180

 SPM name                                     (SPM_NAME) = u1804_la
 SPM log size                          (SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ) = 256
 SPM resync agent limit                 (SPM_MAX_RESYNC) = 20
 SPM log path                             (SPM_LOG_PATH) = 

 TCP/IP Service name                          (SVCENAME) = db2c_db2inst1
 Discovery mode                               (DISCOVER) = SEARCH
 Discover server instance                (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE

 SSL server keydb file                   (SSL_SVR_KEYDB) = 
 SSL server stash file                   (SSL_SVR_STASH) = 
 SSL server certificate label            (SSL_SVR_LABEL) = 
 SSL service name                         (SSL_SVCENAME) = 
 SSL cipher specs                      (SSL_CIPHERSPECS) = 
 SSL versions                             (SSL_VERSIONS) = 
 SSL client keydb file                  (SSL_CLNT_KEYDB) = 
 SSL client stash file                  (SSL_CLNT_STASH) = 

 Maximum query degree of parallelism   (MAX_QUERYDEGREE) = ANY
 Enable intra-partition parallelism     (INTRA_PARALLEL) = NO

 Maximum Asynchronous TQs per query    (FEDERATED_ASYNC) = 0

 Number of FCM buffers                 (FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = AUTOMATIC(4096)
 FCM buffer size                       (FCM_BUFFER_SIZE) = 32768
 Number of FCM channels               (FCM_NUM_CHANNELS) = AUTOMATIC(2048)
 FCM parallelism                       (FCM_PARALLELISM) = AUTOMATIC(1)
 Node connection elapse time (sec)         (CONN_ELAPSE) = 10
 Max number of node connection retries (MAX_CONNRETRIES) = 5
 Max time difference between nodes (min) (MAX_TIME_DIFF) = 60

 db2start/db2stop timeout (min)        (START_STOP_TIME) = 10

 WLM dispatcher enabled                 (WLM_DISPATCHER) = NO
 WLM dispatcher concurrency            (WLM_DISP_CONCUR) = COMPUTED
 WLM dispatcher CPU shares enabled (WLM_DISP_CPU_SHARES) = NO
 WLM dispatcher min. utilization (%) (WLM_DISP_MIN_UTIL) = 5

 Communication buffer exit library list (COMM_EXIT_LIST) = 
 Current effective arch level         (CUR_EFF_ARCH_LVL) = V:11 R:5 M:5 F:0 I:0 SB:0
 Current effective code level         (CUR_EFF_CODE_LVL) = V:11 R:5 M:5 F:0 I:0 SB:0

 Keystore type                           (KEYSTORE_TYPE) = NONE
 Keystore location                   (KEYSTORE_LOCATION) = 
 Path to python runtime                    (PYTHON_PATH) = 


Database Configuration Parameters

Database configuration parameters are stored in instance_home/instance_name/NODE0000/SQLXXXX/SQLDBCON. For the first first database created in a non partitioned instance named db2inst1 the home folder of which is /home/db2inst1, this file is /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLDBCONF. Database configuration parameters are displayed and manipulated with CLP commands that are analogous to the CLP commands for viewing and manipulating database manager configuration parameters. Reduced forms of these commands are:

  • GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION FOR db-name to view the database configuration parameters for the current a specific database
  • UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION FOR db-name USING db-config-parameter db-config-parameter-value to set a database configuration parameter for a specific database
  • RESET DATABASE CONFIGURATION FOR db-name to reset all of the database parameter values of a specific database to their default values

After switching user to the db2inst1 instance owner with su - db2inst1 we can run the command in CLP command mode as follows to display the the database configuration parameters for a database named sample in instance db2inst1:


       Database Configuration for Database sample

 Database configuration release level                    = 0x1500
 Database release level                                  = 0x1500

 Update to database level pending                        = NO (0x0)
 Database territory                                      = US
 Database code page                                      = 1208
 Database code set                                       = UTF-8
 Database country/region code                            = 1
 Database collating sequence                             = IDENTITY
 Alternate collating sequence              (ALT_COLLATE) = 
 Number compatibility                                    = OFF
 Varchar2 compatibility                                  = OFF
 Date compatibility                                      = OFF
 Database page size                                      = 8192

 Statement concentrator                      (STMT_CONC) = OFF

 Discovery support for this database       (DISCOVER_DB) = ENABLE

 Restrict access                                         = NO
 Default query optimization class         (DFT_QUERYOPT) = 5
 Degree of parallelism                      (DFT_DEGREE) = 1
 Continue upon arithmetic exceptions   (DFT_SQLMATHWARN) = NO
 Default refresh age                   (DFT_REFRESH_AGE) = 0
 Default maintained table types for opt (DFT_MTTB_TYPES) = SYSTEM
 Number of frequent values retained     (NUM_FREQVALUES) = 10
 Number of quantiles retained            (NUM_QUANTILES) = 20

 Decimal floating point rounding mode  (DECFLT_ROUNDING) = ROUND_HALF_EVEN

 DECIMAL arithmetic mode                (DEC_ARITHMETIC) = 

 Backup pending                                          = NO

 All committed transactions have been written to disk    = NO
 Rollforward pending                                     = NO
 Restore pending                                         = NO

 Upgrade pending                                         = NO

 Multi-page file allocation enabled                      = YES

 Log retain for recovery status                          = NO
 User exit for logging status                            = NO

 Self tuning memory                    (SELF_TUNING_MEM) = OFF
 Size of database shared memory (4KB)  (DATABASE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC(72192)
 Database memory threshold               (DB_MEM_THRESH) = 100
 Max storage for lock list (4KB)              (LOCKLIST) = 4096
 Percent. of lock lists per application       (MAXLOCKS) = 10
 Package cache size (4KB)                   (PCKCACHESZ) = (MAXAPPLS*8)
 Sort heap thres for shared sorts (4KB) (SHEAPTHRES_SHR) = 5000
 Sort list heap (4KB)                         (SORTHEAP) = 256

 Database heap (4KB)                            (DBHEAP) = AUTOMATIC(1200)
 Catalog cache size (4KB)              (CATALOGCACHE_SZ) = (MAXAPPLS*5)
 Log buffer size (4KB)                        (LOGBUFSZ) = 256
 Utilities heap size (4KB)                (UTIL_HEAP_SZ) = AUTOMATIC(5000)
 SQL statement heap (4KB)                     (STMTHEAP) = AUTOMATIC(8192)
 Default application heap (4KB)             (APPLHEAPSZ) = AUTOMATIC(256)
 Application Memory Size (4KB)             (APPL_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC(40000)
 Statistics heap size (4KB)               (STAT_HEAP_SZ) = AUTOMATIC(4384)

 Interval for checking deadlock (ms)         (DLCHKTIME) = 10000
 Lock timeout (sec)                        (LOCKTIMEOUT) = -1

 Changed pages threshold                (CHNGPGS_THRESH) = 60
 Number of asynchronous page cleaners   (NUM_IOCLEANERS) = AUTOMATIC(1)
 Number of I/O servers                   (NUM_IOSERVERS) = AUTOMATIC(3)
 Sequential detect flag                      (SEQDETECT) = YES
 Default prefetch size (pages)         (DFT_PREFETCH_SZ) = AUTOMATIC

 Track modified pages                         (TRACKMOD) = NO

 Default number of containers                            = 1
 Default tablespace extentsize (pages)   (DFT_EXTENT_SZ) = 32

 Max number of active applications            (MAXAPPLS) = AUTOMATIC(40)
 Average number of active applications       (AVG_APPLS) = AUTOMATIC(1)
 Lifetime of cached credentials   (AUTHN_CACHE_DURATION) = 3
 Max number of users in the cache    (AUTHN_CACHE_USERS) = 0
 Max DB files open per database               (MAXFILOP) = 61440

 Active log space disk capacity (MB)      (LOG_DISK_CAP) = 0
 Log file size (4KB)                         (LOGFILSIZ) = 1000
 Number of primary log files                (LOGPRIMARY) = 3
 Number of secondary log files               (LOGSECOND) = 10
 Changed path to log files                  (NEWLOGPATH) = 
 Path to log files                                       = /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/LOGSTREAM0000/
 Overflow log path                     (OVERFLOWLOGPATH) = 
 Mirror log path                         (MIRRORLOGPATH) = 
 First active log file                                   = 
 Block log on disk full                (BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL) = NO
 Block non logged operations            (BLOCKNONLOGGED) = NO
 Percent max primary log space by transaction  (MAX_LOG) = 0
 Num. of active log files for 1 active UOW(NUM_LOG_SPAN) = 0

 Percent log file reclaimed before soft chckpt (SOFTMAX) = 0
 Target for oldest page in LBP       (PAGE_AGE_TRGT_MCR) = 240

 HADR database role                                      = STANDARD
 HADR local host name                  (HADR_LOCAL_HOST) = 
 HADR local service name                (HADR_LOCAL_SVC) = 
 HADR remote host name                (HADR_REMOTE_HOST) = 
 HADR remote service name              (HADR_REMOTE_SVC) = 
 HADR instance name of remote server  (HADR_REMOTE_INST) = 
 HADR timeout value                       (HADR_TIMEOUT) = 120
 HADR target list                     (HADR_TARGET_LIST) = 
 HADR log write synchronization mode     (HADR_SYNCMODE) = NEARSYNC
 HADR spool log data limit (4KB)      (HADR_SPOOL_LIMIT) = AUTOMATIC(0)
 HADR log replay delay (seconds)     (HADR_REPLAY_DELAY) = 0
 HADR peer window duration (seconds)  (HADR_PEER_WINDOW) = 0

 First log archive method                 (LOGARCHMETH1) = OFF
 Archive compression for logarchmeth1    (LOGARCHCOMPR1) = OFF
 Options for logarchmeth1                  (LOGARCHOPT1) = 
 Second log archive method                (LOGARCHMETH2) = OFF
 Archive compression for logarchmeth2    (LOGARCHCOMPR2) = OFF
 Options for logarchmeth2                  (LOGARCHOPT2) = 
 Failover log archive path                (FAILARCHPATH) = 
 Number of log archive retries on error   (NUMARCHRETRY) = 5
 Log archive retry Delay (secs)         (ARCHRETRYDELAY) = 20
 Vendor options                              (VENDOROPT) = 

 Auto restart enabled                      (AUTORESTART) = ON
 Index re-creation time and redo index build  (INDEXREC) = SYSTEM (RESTART)
 Log pages during index build            (LOGINDEXBUILD) = OFF
 Default number of loadrec sessions    (DFT_LOADREC_SES) = 1
 Number of database backups to retain   (NUM_DB_BACKUPS) = 12
 Recovery history retention (days)     (REC_HIS_RETENTN) = 90
 Auto deletion of recovery objects    (AUTO_DEL_REC_OBJ) = OFF

 TSM management class                    (TSM_MGMTCLASS) = 
 TSM node name                            (TSM_NODENAME) = 
 TSM owner                                   (TSM_OWNER) = 
 TSM password                             (TSM_PASSWORD) = 

 Automatic maintenance                      (AUTO_MAINT) = ON
   Automatic database backup            (AUTO_DB_BACKUP) = OFF
   Automatic table maintenance          (AUTO_TBL_MAINT) = ON
     Automatic runstats                  (AUTO_RUNSTATS) = ON
       Real-time statistics            (AUTO_STMT_STATS) = ON
       Statistical views              (AUTO_STATS_VIEWS) = OFF
       Automatic sampling                (AUTO_SAMPLING) = ON
       Automatic column group statistics (AUTO_CG_STATS) = OFF
     Automatic reorganization               (AUTO_REORG) = OFF

 Auto-Revalidation                          (AUTO_REVAL) = DEFERRED

 Currently Committed                        (CUR_COMMIT) = ON
 CHAR output with DECIMAL input        (DEC_TO_CHAR_FMT) = NEW
 Enable XML Character operations        (ENABLE_XMLCHAR) = YES
 Enforce Constraint                  (DDL_CONSTRAINT_DEF) = YES
 Enable row compression by default  (DDL_COMPRESSION_DEF) = NO
 Replication site ID                      (REPL_SITE_ID) = 0
 Monitor Collect Settings
 Request metrics                       (MON_REQ_METRICS) = BASE
 Activity metrics                      (MON_ACT_METRICS) = BASE
 Object metrics                        (MON_OBJ_METRICS) = EXTENDED
 Routine data                             (MON_RTN_DATA) = NONE
   Routine executable list            (MON_RTN_EXECLIST) = OFF
 Unit of work events                      (MON_UOW_DATA) = NONE
   UOW events with package list        (MON_UOW_PKGLIST) = OFF
   UOW events with executable list    (MON_UOW_EXECLIST) = OFF
 Lock timeout events                   (MON_LOCKTIMEOUT) = NONE
 Deadlock events                          (MON_DEADLOCK) = WITHOUT_HIST
 Lock wait events                         (MON_LOCKWAIT) = NONE
 Lock wait event threshold               (MON_LW_THRESH) = 5000000
 Number of package list entries         (MON_PKGLIST_SZ) = 32
 Lock event notification level         (MON_LCK_MSG_LVL) = 1

 SMTP Server                               (SMTP_SERVER) = 
 SQL conditional compilation flags         (SQL_CCFLAGS) = 
 Section actuals setting               (SECTION_ACTUALS) = NONE
 Connect procedure                        (CONNECT_PROC) = 
 Adjust temporal SYSTEM_TIME period (SYSTIME_PERIOD_ADJ) = NO
 Log DDL Statements                      (LOG_DDL_STMTS) = NO
 Log Application Information             (LOG_APPL_INFO) = NO
 Default data capture on new Schemas   (DFT_SCHEMAS_DCC) = NO
 Allowed paths for external tables      (EXTBL_LOCATION) = /home/db2inst1
 Default table organization              (DFT_TABLE_ORG) = ROW
 Default string units                     (STRING_UNITS) = SYSTEM
 National character string mapping       (NCHAR_MAPPING) = CHAR_CU32
 Database is in write suspend state                      = NO
 Extended row size support             (EXTENDED_ROW_SZ) = ENABLE
 Encryption Library for Backup                 (ENCRLIB) = 
 Encryption Options for Backup                (ENCROPTS) = 

 WLM Collection Interval (minutes)     (WLM_COLLECT_INT) = 0
 Target agent load per CPU core    (WLM_AGENT_LOAD_TRGT) = AUTOMATIC(11)
 WLM admission control enabled      (WLM_ADMISSION_CTRL) = NO
 Allocated share of CPU resources       (WLM_CPU_SHARES) = 1000
 CPU share behavior (hard/soft)     (WLM_CPU_SHARE_MODE) = HARD
 Maximum allowable CPU utilization (%)   (WLM_CPU_LIMIT) = 0
 Encrypted database                                      = NO
 Procedural language stack trace        (PL_STACK_TRACE) = NONE
 HADR SSL certificate label             (HADR_SSL_LABEL) = 

db2 =>

System Schemas

The Db2 system schemas organize administrative views that can be used to display data used internally in the operation of Db2. The following listing of a query of the schemata view, which is itself part of the system schema syscat, shows the system schemas that are part of the instance db2inst1. The schemas listed in the column SYSTEMSCHEMA whose values in the the DEFINER columns are SYSIBM are the system schemas.

db2 => SELECT SUBSTR(schemaname,1,20) AS schemaname,SUBSTR(owner,1,10) AS owner,ownertype,SUBSTR(definer,1,10) AS definer,definertype,create_time FROM syscat.schemata

-------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- --------------------------
SYSIBM               SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSCAT               SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSFUN               SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSSTAT              SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSPROC              SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSIBMADM            SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSIBMINTERNAL       SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSIBMTS             SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
SYSPUBLIC            SYSIBM     S         SYSIBM     S           2020-12-30-
NULLID               SYSIBM     S         DB2INST1   U           2020-12-30-
SQLJ                 SYSIBM     S         DB2INST1   U           2020-12-30-
SYSTOOLS             SYSIBM     S         DB2INST1   U           2020-12-30-
DB2INST1             SYSIBM     S         DB2INST1   U           2020-12-30-

  13 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

The system schema queried above logically groups tables and views that contain information about the data managed by Db2. The data includes the logical and physical structure of database objects, statistical information. Another system schema, which contains one of the most important views, is the SYSIBMADM schema. As we will see in the next section it contains the PRIVILEGES which contains the privileges of each user, group, and role defined in the instance.


Db2 uses two modes of security to limit access Db2 instances and data. The first mode, referred to as authentication relies on the operating system's facilities or a plug-in associated with the operating system, but not Db2 to limit access to Db2. The second mode uses Db2's internal facilities in a mechanism referred to as authorization to limit access to instances and data, and to limit manipulation of instances and data.


In the authentication process, the operating system verifies a user's identity when the user logs in or switches user with su -. The OS user ID is mapped to an internal Db2 user called an authorization ID, what is generally known as a database user in some other RDBMSes. During authentication the user's group membership is also determined so that each group member's user ID is mapped to a Db2 authorization ID.


After authentication, each time an authenticated user attempts to access Db2 resources, such as executing a command, or attempts to access or manipulate data, Db2 determines whether the user has the necessary permissions to perform the task in a process called authorization.

The permissions are stored in internal Db2 system tables or configuration files. In the authorization process, the permission data from the system tables or configuration are consulted before allowing or denying the operation attempted by the authenticated user..

The permissions stored in the system tables or configuration can be:

  • a privilege: a single permission for a specific authorization ID
  • an authority level: a group of privileges, where each group is composed of privileges that facilitate a certain type of operation or for a specific type of user
  • Label Based Access Control (LBAC) credentials: security labels applied to specific data, for example, a row in a table, used to allow access to a user by label

Permissions can be assigned specifically to an authorization ID, a group, roles, or to a role in a specific context. These modes of assigning permissions have the following characteristics:

assignment to an authorization ID
assignment to a group
Authorities and privileges assigned to a group automatically assign the privileges to all members of the group. This assignment of a privilege to a group can be made by any Db2 mechanism that assigns privileges to a user by using the group authorization name, or the group name, instead of the authorization ID. Assignment of authorities and privileges by group simplifies management of permissions because the permissions can be assigned to many users at once, instead of assigning the same permissions to individual users.
assignment to a role
Like groups, roles are a way to simplify and increase flexibility of permissions management. A role is a definable named collection of permissions that can be assigned to users, groups, or other roles. Unlike groups which are collections of users, roles are collections of permissions and users.
assignment based on a trusted context
A trusted context is a definable, named database object that defines a trust relationship between a database and an entity connected to the database, such as an application server. The characteristics of the connection that define the relationship are the authorization ID that establishes the connection, the host from which the connection is established, and the encryption of the connection.

The authority levels, or authorization levels, are divided into several groups corresponding to the different Db2 containment levels. These are the system-level, database-level, schema-level, object-level, and content-level authority levels.

System-level authorization applies to privileges to perform operations on any object contained within the instance as a whole. System level authorization are themselves divided into several hierarchical groups with specific permissions in each group. They are:
  • the system administrator authority given the internal identifier SYSADM. This authority level has all possible control over all of the resources and data of the instance. As the highest level system-level authority, it subsumes the privileges of the system-level authorities below it -- SYSCTRL, SYSMAINT, and SYSMON.
  • the system control authority given the internal identifier SYSCTRL. This authority level can start and stop an instance, as well as create, update, and drop databases within the instance. However, it can not access table data. It includes all of the privileges of the authority levels below it at the system level, SYSMAINT, and SYSMON.
  • the system maintenance authority given the internal identifier SYSMAINT. This authority level can perform maintenance on databases within the instance. Users with this authority can update a database configuration, backup and restore a database, and monitor database within the instance. This authority includes the privileges of the system-level authority below it, the SYSMON authority. Users with this level of authority can not access data within any database in the instance.
  • the system monitor authority given the internal identifier SYSMON. Users with this authority level can use resources to monitor an instance.
These system-level authorities are maintained as part of settings in the database manager configuration. They are stored in the database manager configuration file mentioned in Section Database Manager Configuration and Database Configuration Parameters. In the listing in that section that shows the contents of the database manager configuration of db2inst1, the following lines appear, which reflect the default settings created for the instance by the Db2 Setup wizard discussed in Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part II: Installation With DB2 Setup Wizard.
 SYSADM group name                        (SYSADM_GROUP) = DB2IADM1
 SYSCTRL group name                      (SYSCTRL_GROUP) = 
 SYSMAINT group name                    (SYSMAINT_GROUP) = 
 SYSMON group name                        (SYSMON_GROUP) =
We see that the SYSADM system-level authority has been assigned to the DB2IADM1, a group which is mapped from the db2iadm1 OS primary group, of which the instance owner, db2inst1, is a member. Because the SYSADM authority level is the highest system-level authority with control over all instance resources and data, the instance owner has all of the necessary privileges for complete control over the instance.

The other system-level authorities are unassigned by default. These authorities can be assigned, or an existing assignment can be changed, to any group using the previously mentioned command
UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION database-config-parameter database-config-parameter-value
where in this case database-config-parameter would be the authority level as identified by the values in the parentheses above (with the suffix _group) and database-config-parameter-value is an OS group. This command must be issued by a user with the SYSADM authority.
Database level authorization levels apply to a specific database within the instance. They are also divided into several groups, although not organized hierarchically. They are:
  • the database administrator authority given the internal identifier DBADM. This authority level has control over a database with the privileges needed to create objects within a database and execute commands that apply to a database and lower level objects within a database. This authority level can only be granted to a user by a user with the security administrator (SECADM) database-level authority. Any user that is a member of the group given the system-level authority SYSADM also has this authority.
  • the security administrator authority given the internal identifier SECADM. This authority level has the privileges necessary to perform operations that affect the security of a specific database, such as managing database roles, and granting the ACCESSCTRL authority. This authority level can not access data in database tables.
  • the database data access authority given the internal identifier DATAACCESS. This authority level allows performing operations which manipulate data within a database such as executing SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE SQL statements.
  • database access control authority given the internal identifier ACCESSCTRL. A user with this authority will have privileges to issue the GRANT and REVOKE SQL statements and Db2 commands to allow or disallow access to database objects.
  • SQL administrator authority given the internal identifier SQLADM. This authority level provides permissions to monitor and adjust settings to optimize performance for a specific database.
  • workload management administrator authority given the internal identifier WLMADM. This authority provides permissions to user workload management resources.
  • explain authority given the internal identifier EXPLAIN. This authority allows the use of EXPLAIN to explain query plans without allowing access to data.
  • load authority given the internal identifier LOAD. This is an non-administrative authority that permits -- together with the privilege to INSERT data into a table -- using the load tool to load data into a table.
  • connect authority given the internal identifier CONNECT
Database level authorities are assigned with the GRANT (database authorities) SQL statement. The reduced forms of this statement are:
GRANT database-level authority ON DATABASE TO USER authorization-id
GRANT database-level authority ON DATABASE TO GROUP authorization-group
GRANT database-level authority ON DATABASE TO ROLE authorization-role
Schema level authorization permission groups apply to objects associated with a specific schema. They are:
  • schema administrator authority given the internal identifier SCHEMAADM. This authority allows the ability to create and manage objects in a specific schema and includes the schema LOAD authority.
  • system access control administrator authority given the internal identifier SCHEMACCESSCTRL. A user with this authority as the privileges necessary to grant and revoke all privileges applicable to objects in a specific schema as well as the other schema-level authorities.
  • schema data access administrator authority given the internal identifier SCHEMDATAACCESS. This authority allows users who hold it to manipulate data in all objects in a specific schema.
  • load authority given the internal identifier LOAD. Users with this authority can load data into all tables of the schema.
Schema-level authorities are assigned with the GRANT (schema authorities) SQL statement. The reduced forms of this statement are:
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA schema-name TO USER authorization-name
GRANT schema-level authority ON SCHEMA schema-name TO GROUP authorization-name
Object level authorization is applicable to a specific object, such as a specific table.
Content level permissions apply to specific rows and columns in a table.

In the above discussion, it was mentioned that permissions are stored in system tables and in the database manager configuration. Specifically, system-level authorities are stored in the database configuration and database-level and lower authorities, and individual privileges for a database and lower containment levels are stored in system tables in the syscat system schema. The following listing shows the tables that store the database-level and lower level authorities and privileges, where authorities and privileges related to a database object type are in separate tables as indicated by the table name.

$ db2 "LIST TABLES FOR SCHEMA syscat" | grep AUTH
COLAUTH                         SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
DBAUTH                          SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
INDEXAUTH                       SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
LIBRARYAUTH                     SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
MODULEAUTH                      SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
PACKAGEAUTH                     SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
PASSTHRUAUTH                    SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
ROLEAUTH                        SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
ROUTINEAUTH                     SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
SCHEMAAUTH                      SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
SEQUENCEAUTH                    SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
SURROGATEAUTHIDS                SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
TABAUTH                         SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
TBSPACEAUTH                     SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
VARIABLEAUTH                    SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
WORKLOADAUTH                    SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-
XSROBJECTAUTH                   SYSCAT          V     2020-12-30-

For example privileges related to a database are stored in the DBAUTH table. It has the columns shown in the output of a DESCRIBE TABLE statement shown below.

db2 => DESCRIBE TABLE syscat.dbauth

                                Data type                     Column
Column name                     schema    Data type name      Length     Scale Nulls
------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----- ------
GRANTOR                         SYSIBM    VARCHAR                    128     0 No    
GRANTORTYPE                     SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
GRANTEE                         SYSIBM    VARCHAR                    128     0 No    
GRANTEETYPE                     SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
BINDADDAUTH                     SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
CONNECTAUTH                     SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
CREATETABAUTH                   SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
DBADMAUTH                       SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
EXTERNALROUTINEAUTH             SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
IMPLSCHEMAAUTH                  SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
LOADAUTH                        SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
NOFENCEAUTH                     SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
QUIESCECONNECTAUTH              SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
LIBRARYADMAUTH                  SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
SECURITYADMAUTH                 SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
SQLADMAUTH                      SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
WLMADMAUTH                      SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
EXPLAINAUTH                     SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
DATAACCESSAUTH                  SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
ACCESSCTRLAUTH                  SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
CREATESECUREAUTH                SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    

  21 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

A query for the columns GRANTOR, GRANTORTYPE, GRANTEE, GRANTEETYPE, DBADMAUTH, SECURITYADMAUTH, SQLADMAUTH, DATAACCESSAUTH results in the output shown in the following listing. The first row of the output shows that SYSIBM, a grantor type of "system", granted to the authorization name DB2INST1, a grantee type of "user", the database-level authorities DBADM, SECADM and DATAACCESS as indicated by the "Y" under the relevant columns. The "N" for this row under the SQLADMAUTH indicates that DB2INST1 was not given the SQLADM database-level authority.

db2 => SELECT SUBSTR(grantor,1,20) AS grantor, grantortype,SUBSTR(grantee,1,20) AS grantee,granteetype,dbadmauth,securityadmauth,sqladmauth,dataaccessauth FROM syscat.dbauth

-------------------- ----------- -------------------- ----------- --------- --------------- ---------- --------------
SYSIBM               S           DB2INST1             U           Y         Y               N          Y             
SYSIBM               S           PUBLIC               G           N         N               N          N             

  2 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

All of the authorities at any level can be easily viewed for a particular user by using the auth_list_authorities_for_authid table function. The following listing shows that querying for the columns authority, d_user, d_group, d_public, role_user, role_group, role_public, and d_role columns from the table produced by the function for the user DB2INST1 displays all of the authorities held by the user and whether they are assigned to the user specifically, because of the user's group membership, or through a role. Each row represents a single authority and whether it is assigned and how it was assigned. For example, the first line provides information about the system-level SYSADM authority for the user that is the subject of the query. The Y under the D_GROUP indicates that the user has this authority, and because the Y is under the D_GROUP column, the authority us given to a particular group and the user has this authority because of membership in the group. Remember from the listing showing the database configuration manager parameters, this authority was assigned to the Db2 group DB2IADM1 which corresponds to the db2iadm1 OS primary group of which the instance owner is a member. The asterisks indicate that the authority is not able to be granted based on that category. The second line provides information about the database-level DBADM authority. The Y under the D_USER indicates that the user has this authority, and because the Y is under the D_USER column, the privileges of the authority are given to the user specifically and not because of group membership or a role that the user has. The Ns indicate that the user that is the subject of this query does not have the authority based on category represented by the column, but unlike with the asterisk, it is possible that the user can be given the authority based on this category.

db2 => SELECT SUBSTR(authority,1,30) AS authority,d_user,d_group,d_public,role_user,role_group,role_public,d_role FROM table(auth_list_authorities_for_authid('DB2INST1','U'))

------------------------------ ------ ------- -------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------
SYSADM                         *      Y       *        *         *          *           *     
DBADM                          Y      N       N        N         N          N           *     
CREATETAB                      N      N       Y        N         N          N           *     
BINDADD                        N      N       Y        N         N          N           *     
CONNECT                        N      N       Y        N         N          N           *     
CREATE_NOT_FENCED_ROUTINE      N      N       N        N         N          N           *     
SYSCTRL                        *      N       *        *         *          *           *     
SYSMAINT                       *      N       *        *         *          *           *     
IMPLICIT_SCHEMA                N      N       Y        N         N          N           *     
LOAD                           N      N       N        N         N          N           *     
CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE        N      N       N        N         N          N           *     
QUIESCE_CONNECT                N      N       N        N         N          N           *     
SECADM                         Y      N       N        N         N          N           *     
SYSMON                         *      N       *        *         *          *           *     
SQLADM                         N      N       N        N         N          N           *     
WLMADM                         N      N       N        N         N          N           *     
EXPLAIN                        N      N       N        N         N          N           *     
DATAACCESS                     Y      N       N        N         N          N           *     
ACCESSCTRL                     Y      N       N        N         N          N           *     
CREATE_SECURE_OBJECT           N      N       N        N         N          N           *     

  20 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

The schema sysibmadm contains many important tables, including those that can be queried to find the database configuration and the database manager configuration, respectively, the tables dbcfg and dbmcfg. The tables in this schema are shown in the next listing.

db2 => LIST TABLES FOR SCHEMA sysibmadm

Table/View                      Schema          Type  Creation time             
------------------------------- --------------- ----- --------------------------
ADMINTABCOMPRESSINFO            SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ADMINTABINFO                    SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ADMINTEMPCOLUMNS                SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ADMINTEMPTABLES                 SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
APPLICATIONS                    SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
APPL_PERFORMANCE                SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
AUTHORIZATIONIDS                SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
BP_HITRATIO                     SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
BP_READ_IO                      SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
BP_WRITE_IO                     SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
CONTACTGROUPS                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
CONTACTS                        SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
CONTAINER_UTILIZATION           SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DB2_CF                          SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DB2_CLUSTER_HOST_STATE          SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DB2_INSTANCE_ALERTS             SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DB2_MEMBER                      SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DBCFG                           SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DBMCFG                          SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DBPATHS                         SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
DB_HISTORY                      SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ENV_CF_SYS_RESOURCES            SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ENV_FEATURE_INFO                SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ENV_INST_INFO                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ENV_PROD_INFO                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ENV_SYS_INFO                    SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
ENV_SYS_RESOURCES               SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
INGEST_USER_CONNECTIONS         SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
LOCKS_HELD                      SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
LOCKWAITS                       SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
LOG_UTILIZATION                 SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
LONG_RUNNING_SQL                SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_BP_UTILIZATION              SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_CONNECTION_SUMMARY          SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_CURRENT_SQL                 SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_CURRENT_UOW                 SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_DB_SUMMARY                  SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_LOCKWAITS                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_PKG_CACHE_SUMMARY           SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_TBSP_UTILIZATION            SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
MON_WORKLOAD_SUMMARY            SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
NOTIFICATIONLIST                SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
OBJECTOWNERS                    SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
PDLOGMSGS_LAST24HOURS           SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
PRIVILEGES                      SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
QUERY_PREP_COST                 SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
REG_VARIABLES                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPAGENT                       SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPAGENT_MEMORY_POOL           SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPAPPL                        SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPAPPL_INFO                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPBP                          SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPBP_PART                     SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPCONTAINER                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPDB                          SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPDBM                         SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPDBM_MEMORY_POOL             SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPDB_MEMORY_POOL              SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPDETAILLOG                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPDYN_SQL                     SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPFCM                         SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPFCM_PART                    SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPHADR                        SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPLOCK                        SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPLOCKWAIT                    SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPSTMT                        SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPSTORAGE_PATHS               SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPSUBSECTION                  SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPSWITCHES                    SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPTAB                         SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPTAB_REORG                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPTBSP                        SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPTBSP_PART                   SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPTBSP_QUIESCER               SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPTBSP_RANGE                  SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPUTIL                        SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
SNAPUTIL_PROGRESS               SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
TBSP_UTILIZATION                SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-
TOP_DYNAMIC_SQL                 SYSIBMADM       V     2020-12-30-

  81 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

Another important system table (actually a view) in this schema is the privileges table, which has the columns shown in the following listing.

db2 => DESCRIBE TABLE sysibmadm.privileges

                                Data type                     Column
Column name                     schema    Data type name      Length     Scale Nulls
------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----- ------
AUTHID                          SYSIBM    VARCHAR                    128     0 No    
AUTHIDTYPE                      SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0 No    
PRIVILEGE                       SYSIBM    VARCHAR                     11     0 Yes   
GRANTABLE                       SYSIBM    VARCHAR                      1     0 Yes   
OBJECTNAME                      SYSIBM    VARCHAR                    128     0 Yes   
OBJECTSCHEMA                    SYSIBM    VARCHAR                    128     0 No    
OBJECTTYPE                      SYSIBM    VARCHAR                     24     0 Yes   
PARENTOBJECTNAME                SYSIBM    VARCHAR                    128     0 No    
PARENTOBJECTTYPE                SYSIBM    VARCHAR                      5     0 No    

  9 record(s) selected.

db2 => 

Each row of this table stores an individual privilege held by an authorization ID. The output of a query of this table for the columns authid, authidtype, privilege, grantable, objectname, objectschema, and objecttype results in the output shown in the following listing. For example, the fourth line of the output indicates that the authorization ID has the privilege on the table in the schema . (In Db2, by default, user tables are created in a schema named after the authorization ID.) Examining the output further shows that all privileges on all objects in the instance for all authorization IDs, including the more fundamental privileges such as those to ALTER, DELETE, INSERT, and INSERT are contained within this table.

db2 => SELECT SUBSTR(authid,1,20) AS authid,authidtype,privilege,grantable,SUBSTR(objectname,1,30) AS objectname,SUBSTR(objectschema,1,20) AS objectschema,objecttype FROM sysibmadm.privileges

-------------------- ---------- ----------- --------- ------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VDEPT                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VHDEPT                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VEMP                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VPROJ                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VACT                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VPROJACT                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VEMPPROJACT                    DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VDEPMG1                        DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VEMPDPT1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VASTRDE1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VASTRDE2                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VPROJRE1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VPSTRDE1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VPSTRDE2                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VFORPLA                        DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VSTAFAC1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VSTAFAC2                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VPHONE                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         VEMPLP                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VDEPT                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VHDEPT                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VEMP                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VPROJ                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VACT                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VPROJACT                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VEMPPROJACT                    DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         VEMPLP                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          DELETE      Y         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INDEX       Y         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VDEPT                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VHDEPT                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VEMP                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VPROJ                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VACT                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VPROJACT                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VEMPPROJACT                    DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         VEMPLP                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          INSERT      Y         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         EVENTTABLES                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTABLES                      SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLUMNS                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXES                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSVIEWS                       SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSVIEWDEP                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPLAN                        SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPLANDEP                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSECTION                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSTMT                        SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSDBAUTH                      SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPLANAUTH                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTABAUTH                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXAUTH                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSRELS                        SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROUTINES                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROUTINEPARMS                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTABCONST                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSKEYCOLUSE                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCHECKS                      SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLCHECKS                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSDATATYPES                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCONSTDEP                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLDIST                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSEVENTMONITORS               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSEVENTS                      SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTABLESPACES                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSDEPENDENCIES                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTRIGGERS                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLAUTH                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSCHEMAAUTH                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSCHEMATA                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSUSERAUTH                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSNODEGROUPDEF                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSNODEGROUPS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPARTITIONMAPS               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSBUFFERPOOLS                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSBUFFERPOOLNODES             SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLPROPERTIES               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSATTRIBUTES                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSHIERARCHIES                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTBSPACEAUTH                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLOPTIONS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSFUNCMAPOPTIONS              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSFUNCMAPPARMOPTIONS          SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSFUNCMAPPINGS                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXEXPLOITRULES           SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXEXTENSIONPARMS         SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXEXTENSIONS             SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXEXTENSIONMETHODS       SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXOPTIONS                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPASSTHRUAUTH                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPREDICATESPECS              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTYPEMAPPINGS                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSERVEROPTIONS               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSERVERS                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTABOPTIONS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTRANSFORMS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSUSEROPTIONS                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSWRAPOPTIONS                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSWRAPPERS                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSJARCONTENTS                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSJAROBJECTS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSNAMEMAPPINGS                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSEQUENCES                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXCOLUSE                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSVERSIONS                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLUSE                      SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROUTINEAUTH                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSLIBRARIES                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSLIBRARYBINDFILES            SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSLIBRARYVERSIONS             SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLGROUPS                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLGROUPSCOLS               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLGROUPDIST                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLGROUPDISTCOUNTS          SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSLIBRARYAUTH                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSEVENTTABLES                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROUTINEPROPERTIES           SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOMMENTS                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSEQUENCEAUTH                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCODEPROPERTIES              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSXMLPATHS                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSXSROBJECTHIERARCHIES        SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXXMLPATTERNS            SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSXDBMAPGRAPHS                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSXDBMAPSHREDTREES            SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSDATAPARTITIONS              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSDATAPARTITIONEXPRESSION     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSJOBS                        SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTASKS                       SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTUNINGINFO                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSECURITYLABELCOMPONENTS     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSECURITYLABELCOMPONENTELEME SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSECURITYPOLICIES            SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSECURITYPOLICYCOMPONENTRULE SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSECURITYLABELS              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROUTINEOPTIONS              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROUTINEPARMOPTIONS          SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROLES                       SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROLEAUTH                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCONTEXTS                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCONTEXTATTRIBUTES           SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLLATIONS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSVARIABLES                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSVARIABLEAUTH                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSWORKLOADCONNATTR            SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSWORKLOADAUTH                SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSERVICECLASSES              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSWORKCLASSES                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSWORKACTIONS                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSTHRESHOLDS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSHISTOGRAMTEMPLATEBINS       SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSHISTOGRAMTEMPLATEUSE        SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSAUDITUSE                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSAUDITPOLICIES               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSMODULEAUTH                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSMODULES                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINVALIDOBJECTS              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSINDEXPARTITIONS             SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPERIODS                     SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCONTROLS                    SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSCOLDEPENDENCIES             SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSTOGROUPS                   SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSUSAGELISTS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSWORKCLASSATTRIBUTES         SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSSCPREFTBSPACES              SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSUPGRADERUNSTATSTASKS        SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSAUDITEXCEPTIONS             SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSMEMBERSUBSETS               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSMEMBERSUBSETATTRS           SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSMEMBERSUBSETMEMBERS         SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSENVIRONMENT                 SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSEXTTAB                      SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSEXTTABFILEOBJ               SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSEXTTABCOLS                  SYSIBM               TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CHECK_CONSTRAINTS              SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLUMNS                        SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DUAL                           SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLUMNS_S                      SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS        SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         REF_CONSTRAINTS                SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TABLE_CONSTRAINTS              SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TABLES                         SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TABLES_S                       SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         USER_DEFINED_TYPES             SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         UDT_S                          SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         VIEWS                          SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PARAMETERS                     SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PARAMETERS_S                   SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINES                       SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINES_S                     SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSFUNCTIONS                   SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPROCEDURES                  SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSFUNCPARMS                   SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSPROCPARMS                   SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSREVTYPEMAPPINGS             SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSDUMMY1                      SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SYSROUTINEPROPERTIESJAVA       SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ATTRIBUTES                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         AUDITUSE                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         BUFFERPOOLDBPARTITIONS         SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         BUFFERPOOLEXCEPTIONS           SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         BUFFERPOOLNODES                SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         BUFFERPOOLS                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLAUTH                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLCHECKS                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLGROUPCOLS                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLIDENTATTRIBUTES             SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLLATIONS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLOPTIONS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLUMNS                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLUSE                         SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONDITIONS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONSTDEP                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONTEXTATTRIBUTES              SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONTEXTS                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONTROLDEP                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONTROLS                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DATAPARTITIONEXPRESSION        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DATAPARTITIONS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DATATYPEDEP                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DATATYPES                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DBAUTH                         SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DBPARTITIONGROUPDEF            SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DBPARTITIONGROUPS              SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         EVENTMONITORS                  SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         EVENTS                         SYSCAT               VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FULLHIERARCHIES                SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FUNCDEP                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FUNCMAPOPTIONS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FUNCMAPPARMOPTIONS             SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FUNCMAPPINGS                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FUNCPARMS                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FUNCTIONS                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         HIERARCHIES                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         HISTOGRAMTEMPLATEBINS          SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         HISTOGRAMTEMPLATES             SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         HISTOGRAMTEMPLATEUSE           SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXCOLUSE                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXDEP                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXES                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXEXPLOITRULES              SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXEXTENSIONDEP              SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXEXTENSIONMETHODS          SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXEXTENSIONPARMS            SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXEXTENSIONS                SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXOPTIONS                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXPARTITIONS                SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXXMLPATTERNS               SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INVALIDOBJECTS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         KEYCOLUSE                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LIBRARIES                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LIBRARYAUTH                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LIBRARYBINDFILES               SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LIBRARYVERSIONS                SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         MODULEAUTH                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         MODULEOBJECTS                  SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         MODULES                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         NAMEMAPPINGS                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         NICKNAMES                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         NODEGROUPDEF                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         NODEGROUPS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PACKAGEAUTH                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PACKAGEDEP                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PACKAGES                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PARTITIONMAPS                  SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PASSTHRUAUTH                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PERIODS                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PREDICATESPECS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PROCEDURES                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PROCPARMS                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROLEAUTH                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROLES                          SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINEAUTH                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINEDEP                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINEOPTIONS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINEPARMOPTIONS             SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINEPARMS                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINES                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINESFEDERATED              SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROWFIELDS                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SCHEMAAUTH                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SCHEMATA                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SCPREFTBSPACES                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SECURITYLABELACCESS            SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SECURITYLABELCOMPONENTELEMENTS SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SECURITYLABELCOMPONENTS        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SECURITYLABELS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SECURITYPOLICIES               SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SECURITYPOLICYCOMPONENTRULES   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SECURITYPOLICYEXEMPTIONS       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SEQUENCEAUTH                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SEQUENCES                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SERVEROPTIONS                  SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SERVERS                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SERVICECLASSES                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         STATEMENTS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         STATEMENTTEXTS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         STOGROUPS                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SURROGATEAUTHIDS               SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TABAUTH                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TABDETACHEDDEP                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         THRESHOLDS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TRANSFORMS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TRIGDEP                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TRIGGERS                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TYPEMAPPINGS                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         USAGELISTS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         USEROPTIONS                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         VARIABLEDEP                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         VARIABLES                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         VIEWDEP                        SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         VIEWS                          SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WORKACTIONS                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WORKACTIONSETS                 SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WORKCLASSATTRIBUTES            SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WORKCLASSES                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WORKCLASSSETS                  SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WORKLOADS                      SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WRAPOPTIONS                    SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         WRAPPERS                       SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XDBMAPGRAPHS                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XDBMAPSHREDTREES               SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XMLSTRINGS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XSROBJECTAUTH                  SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS            SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XSROBJECTDEP                   SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XSROBJECTDETAILS               SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XSROBJECTHIERARCHIES           SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         XSROBJECTS                     SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         MEMBERSUBSETATTRS              SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         MEMBERSUBSETMEMBERS            SYSCAT               VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLGROUPDIST                   SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLGROUPDISTCOUNTS             SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLGROUPS                      SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         COLUMNS                        SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         FUNCTIONS                      SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INDEXES                        SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ROUTINES                       SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TABLES                         SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         EXTERNALTABLEOPTIONS           SYSCAT               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLCOLPRIVILEGES               SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLCOLUMNS                     SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLFOREIGNKEYS                 SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLPRIMARYKEYS                 SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLPROCEDURECOLS               SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLPROCEDURES                  SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS              SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLSTATISTICS                  SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES             SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLTABLETYPES                  SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLSCHEMAS                     SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLTABLES                      SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLUDTS                        SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SQLTYPEINFO                    SYSIBM               VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPAGENT                      SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPAGENT_MEMORY_POOL          SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPAPPL                       SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPAPPL_INFO                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPBP                         SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPBP_PART                    SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPCONTAINER                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPDB                         SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPDB_MEMORY_POOL             SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPDBM                        SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPDBM_MEMORY_POOL            SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPDETAILLOG                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPDYN_SQL                    SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPFCM                        SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPFCM_PART                   SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPHADR                       SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPLOCK                       SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPLOCKWAIT                   SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPSTMT                       SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPSTORAGE_PATHS              SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPSUBSECTION                 SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPSWITCHES                   SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPTAB_REORG                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPTAB                        SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPTBSP                       SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPTBSP_PART                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPTBSP_QUIESCER              SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPTBSP_RANGE                 SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPUTIL                       SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         SNAPUTIL_PROGRESS              SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         REG_VARIABLES                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ENV_SYS_INFO                   SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ENV_PROD_INFO                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ENV_INST_INFO                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ENV_FEATURE_INFO               SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DB_HISTORY                     SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PDLOGMSGS_LAST24HOURS          SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         AUTHORIZATIONIDS               SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         PRIVILEGES                     SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         OBJECTOWNERS                   SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONTACTGROUPS                  SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONTACTS                       SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
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PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DBMCFG                         SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DBPATHS                        SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         APPLICATIONS                   SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         APPL_PERFORMANCE               SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         BP_HITRATIO                    SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         BP_READ_IO                     SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         BP_WRITE_IO                    SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         CONTAINER_UTILIZATION          SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LOCKS_HELD                     SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LOCKWAITS                      SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LOG_UTILIZATION                SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         LONG_RUNNING_SQL               SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         QUERY_PREP_COST                SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TBSP_UTILIZATION               SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         TOP_DYNAMIC_SQL                SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ENV_SYS_RESOURCES              SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ADMINTEMPTABLES                SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ADMINTEMPCOLUMNS               SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         ENV_CF_SYS_RESOURCES           SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         DB2_INSTANCE_ALERTS            SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         MON_TRANSACTION_LOG_UTILIZATIO SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          SELECT      N         INGEST_USER_CONNECTIONS        SYSIBMADM            VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VDEPT                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VHDEPT                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VEMP                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VPROJ                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VACT                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VPROJACT                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VEMPPROJACT                    DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VDEPMG1                        DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VEMPDPT1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VASTRDE1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VASTRDE2                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VPROJRE1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VPSTRDE1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VPSTRDE2                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VFORPLA                        DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VSTAFAC1                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VSTAFAC2                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VPHONE                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         VEMPLP                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          SELECT      Y         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          REFERENCE   Y         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         CL_SCHED                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         DEPARTMENT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         POLICY                         SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         COLDIST                        SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         COLGROUPDIST                   SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         COLGROUPDISTCOUNTS             SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         COLGROUPS                      SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         COLUMNS                        SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         FUNCTIONS                      SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         INDEXES                        SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         ROUTINES                       SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
PUBLIC               G          UPDATE      N         TABLES                         SYSSTAT              VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         EMPLOYEE                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         EMP_PHOTO                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         EMP_RESUME                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         PROJECT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         PROJACT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         EMPPROJACT                     DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         ACT                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         IN_TRAY                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         ORG                            DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         STAFF                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         SALES                          DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VDEPT                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VHDEPT                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VEMP                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VPROJ                          DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VACT                           DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VPROJACT                       DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VEMPPROJACT                    DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         VEMPLP                         DB2INST1             VIEW                    
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         STAFFG                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         ADEFUSR                        DB2INST1             MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         EMPMDC                         DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         INVENTORY                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         PURCHASEORDER                  DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         CATALOG                        DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         SUPPLIERS                      DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         PRODUCTSUPPLIER                DB2INST1             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         HMON_ATM_INFO                  SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
DB2INST1             U          UPDATE      Y         HMON_COLLECTION                SYSTOOLS             TABLE                   
SYSTS_ADM            R          ALTERIN     N                                        SYSIBMTS             SCHEMA                  
SYSTS_MGR            R          ALTERIN     N                                        SYSIBMTS             SCHEMA                  
PUBLIC               G          CREATEIN    N                                        SYSPUBLIC            SCHEMA                  
SYSTS_ADM            R          CREATEIN    N                                        SYSIBMTS             SCHEMA                  
SYSTS_MGR            R          CREATEIN    N                                        SYSIBMTS             SCHEMA                  
PUBLIC               G          CREATEIN    N                                        NULLID               SCHEMA                  
PUBLIC               G          CREATEIN    N                                        SQLJ                 SCHEMA                  
PUBLIC               G          CREATEIN    N                                        SYSTOOLS             SCHEMA                  
PUBLIC               G          CREATEIN    N                                        DB2INST1             SCHEMA                  
PUBLIC               G          DROPIN      N                                        SYSPUBLIC            SCHEMA                  
SYSTS_ADM            R          DROPIN      N                                        SYSIBMTS             SCHEMA                  
SYSTS_MGR            R          DROPIN      N                                        SYSIBMTS             SCHEMA                  
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_DEPARTMENT                  DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         XDEPT2                         DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         XDEPT3                         DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_EMPLOYEE                    DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         XEMP2                          DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_EMP_PHOTO                   DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_EMP_RESUME                  DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_PROJECT                     DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         XPROJ2                         DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_PROJACT                     DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_ACT                         DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         XACT2                          DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234218050             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234218540             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234218640             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234221170             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234221700             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_PRODUCT                     DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_INVENTORY                   DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234223660             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234224150             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234224240             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_CUSTOMER                    DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234225200             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234225670             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_PURCHASEORDER               DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234226700             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234227230             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_CATALOG                     DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234228240             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234228740             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PK_PRODUCTSUPPLIER             DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQL201230234229790             SYSIBM               INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         CUST_CID_XMLIDX                DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         CUST_NAME_XMLIDX               DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         CUST_PHONES_XMLIDX             DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         CUST_PHONET_XMLIDX             DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PROD_NAME_XMLIDX               DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PROD_DETAIL_XMLIDX             DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PO_PRODS_XMLIDX                DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PO_CID_XMLIDX                  DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PO_ZIP_XMLIDX                  DB2INST1             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         POLICY_UNQ                     SYSTOOLS             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         ATM_UNIQ                       SYSTOOLS             INDEX                   
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         HI_OBJ_UNIQ                    SYSTOOLS             INDEX                   
PUBLIC               G          USE         N         USERSPACE1                                          TABLESPACE              
DB2INST1             U          USE         Y         IBMDB2SAMPLEREL                                     TABLESPACE              
DB2INST1             U          USE         Y         IBMDB2SAMPLEXML                                     TABLESPACE              
DB2INST1             U          USE         Y         SYSTOOLSPACE                                        TABLESPACE              
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926436             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926436             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926537             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926537             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926538             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926538             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926539             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926539             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926540             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926540             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926541             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926541             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926642             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926642             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926643             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926643             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926644             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926644             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926645             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926645             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926646             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926646             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926747             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926747             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926748             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926748             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926749             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926749             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926750             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926750             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926751             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926751             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230233926852             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQL201230233926852             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SQLERRM                        SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SQLERRM_EXT                    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AUTH_GET_INSTANCE_AUTHID       SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_SYSIBM_FUNCTIONS     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_SYSIBM_FUNCTION_PARM SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_SAR                        SYSFUN               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_SAR4PARM                   SYSFUN               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PUT_SAR                        SYSFUN               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PUT_SAR1PARM                   SYSFUN               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         TABLES                         SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         TABLEPRIVILEGES                SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         STATISTICS                     SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SPECIALCOLUMNS                 SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PROCEDURES                     SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PROCEDURECOLS                  SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PRIMARYKEYS                    SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         FOREIGNKEYS                    SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         COLUMNS                        SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         COLPRIVILEGES                  SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         UDTS                           SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GETTYPEINFO                    SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SQLCAMESSAGE                   SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SQLCAMESSAGECCSID              SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         FUNCTIONS                      SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         FUNCTIONCOLS                   SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SUPERTABLES                    SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SUPERTYPES                     SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ATTRIBUTES                     SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSEUDOCOLUMNS                  SYSIBM               PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DBM_INFO                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DBM_HI                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DBM_HI_HIS              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DB_INFO                 SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DB_HI                   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DB_HI_HIS               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_TBS_INFO                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_TBS_HI                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_TBS_HI_HIS              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_CONT_INFO               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_CONT_HI                 SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_CONT_HI_HIS             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB_PARTITIONS                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_ROUTINE_OPTS               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_ROUTINE_NAME               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DB_HIC                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_DB_HIC_HIS              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_BASE_RPTS                   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_BASE_RPT_RECOMS             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2LK_DEP_FIRST                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2LK_DEP_OF                   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         POLICY_VALIDATE                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         COMPILATION_ENV                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ENV_GET_PROD_INFO              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ENV_GET_INST_INFO              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ENV_GET_SYS_INFO               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ENV_GET_PROD_INFO_V95          SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ENV_GET_FEATURE_INFO           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REG_LIST_VARIABLES             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DROP_STGMGMT_TAB               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         CREATE_STGMGMT_TAB             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         CAPT_STGMGMT_INF               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_DBSIZE_INFO                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ANALYZE_LOG_SPACE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         STEP_REDIST_DBPG               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SET_SWRD_SETTINGS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_SWRD_SETTINGS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GEN_DISTFILE                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REBIND_ROUTINE                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REBIND_ROUTINE_3PN             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ALTER_ROUTINE_3PN              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SET_ROUTINE_OPTS               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         LIST_SRVR_TYPES                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         LIST_SRVR_VERSIONS             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         LIST_WRAPPERS                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         LIST_WRAP_OPTIONS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         LIST_SRVR_OPTIONS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         LIST_SRVR_OPTVALS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         LIST_SRVR_NODES                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REMOTE_QUERY                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REMOTE_QUERY2                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_REGISTER                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_ADDSCHEMADOC               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_COMPLETE                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_UPDATE                     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_REMOVE                     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_GET_PARSING_DIAGNOSTICS    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_WRAP_CFG_C                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_WRAP_CFG_C2                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_DTD                        SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XSR_EXTENTITY                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ODBC_DISCOVERY                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ODBC_DISCOVERY_32              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ODBC_DISCOVERY2                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ODBC_DISCOVERY2_32             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2LK_TBLNDEP                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2LK_GENERATE_DDL             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2LK_CLEAN_TABLE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ALTOBJ                         SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2LOAD                        SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_HI_REC                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SYSINSTALLROUTINES             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SYSINSTALLOBJECTS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_GET_RPT                     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_GET_LOCK_RPT                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_GET_LOCK_CHNS               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_GET_LOCK_CHN_TB             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_SAVE_TASK                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AM_DROP_TASK                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         NNSTAT                         SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         NNSTAT_EXTENDED                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_SET_COMPMODE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_GET_LEVEL                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_INIT_SESSION              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_TERM_SESSION              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_PUT_COMMAND               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_GET_REPORT                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_SET_SESSION               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_CLEAR_SESSION             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SET_SQLRTN_PREOPTS             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_SQLRTN_PREOPTS             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_SP_C2                    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REORGCHK_TB_STATS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REORGCHK_IX_STATS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         POLICY_INSTALL                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         POLICY_RETRIEVE                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML10MB               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML25MB               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML50MB               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML75MB               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML100MB              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML500MB              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML1GB                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML1_5GB              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXML2GB                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDBDECOMPXMLFROMFILELIST       SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         XDB_DECOMP_XML_FROM_QUERY      SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_DB_CONFIG                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2_INSTALL_JAR                SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2_INSTALL_JAR2               SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2_REPLACE_JAR                SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2_UPDATEJARINFO              SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REFRESH_CLASSES                SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REMOVE_JAR                     SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         REMOVE_JAR2                    SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         RECOVERJAR                     SQLJ                 PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         OPT_MIGRATE_PROF               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXPLAIN_GET_MSG                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXPLAIN_GET_MSG2               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HASNICKNAMECHANGED             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         NICKNAMEINFO                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         NICKNAMEINFO_EXTENDED          SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_CMD                      SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_PART             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_CONTAINER             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TAB                   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO_V97         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO_V95         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_INDEX_INFO           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_INDEX_COMPRESS_INFO  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         BIG_SQL_GET_OPERATION_AUTH     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB2_BIG_SQL_SERVICE_MODE       SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_STORAGE_PATHS         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_STO_PATHS             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DB                    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DETAILLOG             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_DROP_SCHEMA              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_DEPTREE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         BASE_TABLE                     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXDYN_DYNAMIC                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXDYN_INCBIND                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBM_GET_CFG                    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB_GET_CFG                     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB_GET_CFG_AP                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_GET_IND_DEFINITION      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_GET_ALERT_CFG           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_GET_ALERT_ACTION_CFG    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_INITIALIZECLI              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_TERMINATECLI               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_SENDCLIREQUEST             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_SENDCLICOMMAND             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_RECVCLIREPORTS             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_ENDSESSIONMGR              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_PINGSESSIONMGR             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_LOOKSESSIONMGR             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PD_GET_LOG_MSGS                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBG_RUNSESSIONMGR              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PSMD_SET_DEBUGINFO             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_LIST_HIST                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         HEALTH_GET_NOTIFICATION_LIST   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_CONTACTS             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_CONTACTGROUPS        SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_AGENT                 SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_AGENT_AP              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_AGENT_MEMORY_POOL     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_AGENT_MEMORY_POOL_AP  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL_V95              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL_AP               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL_V95_AP           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL_INFO             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL_INFO_AP          SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL_INFO_V95         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_APPL_INFO_V95_AP      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_BP                    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_BP_V95                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_BP_AP                 SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_BP_V95_AP             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_BP_PART               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_BP_PART_AP            SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_CONTAINER_V91         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_CONTAINER_AP          SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_CONTAINER_V91_AP      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DB_V97                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DB_AP                 SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DB_V97_AP             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DB_MEMORY_POOL        SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DB_MEMORY_POOL_AP     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DBM                   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DBM_V95               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DBM_AP                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DBM_V95_AP            SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DBM_MEMORY_POOL       SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DBM_MEMORY_POOL_AP    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DETAILLOG_V91         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         BONUS_INCREASE                 DB2INST1             PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DETAILLOG_AP          SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DETAILLOG_V91_AP      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_FCM                   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_FCM_AP                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_FCM_PART              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_FCM_PART_AP           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL_V95           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL_AP            SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL_V95_AP        SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_HADR                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_HADR_AP               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_LOCK                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_LOCK_AP               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_LOCKWAIT              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_LOCKWAIT_AP           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_STMT                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_STMT_AP               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_STORAGE_PATHS_AP      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_STORAGE_PATHS_V97     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_STORAGE_PATHS_V97_AP  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_SUBSECTION            SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_SUBSECTION_AP         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_SWITCHES              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_SWITCHES_AP           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TAB_V91               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TAB_AP                SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TAB_V91_AP            SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TAB_REORG             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TAB_REORG_AP          SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_V91              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_AP               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_V91_AP           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_PART_V97         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_PART_V97_AP      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_PART_AP          SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_QUIESCER         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_QUIESCER_AP      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_RANGE            SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_TBSP_RANGE_AP         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_UTIL                  SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_UTIL_AP               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_UTIL_PROGRESS         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_GET_UTIL_PROGRESS_AP      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SNAP_WRITE_FILE                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AUTH_LIST_GROUPS_FOR_AUTHID    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AUTH_LIST_ROLES_FOR_AUTHID     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         AUTH_LIST_AUTHORITIES_FOR_AUTH SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_LIST_DB_PATHS            SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_MSGS                 SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_REMOVE_MSGS              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_INDEX_COLNAMES             SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXDYN_DGTT_TABLE               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXDYN_DGTT_INDEX               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXDYN_DGTT_COLUMN              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXDYN_DGTT_IDXCOL              SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         CREATE_SQL_SAMPLE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         CREATE_V8_SAMPLE               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         CREATE_XML_SAMPLE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXPLAIN_FORMAT_STATS           SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_DBP_MEM_USAGE        SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_DBP_MEM_USAGE_AP     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SYSTS_ADMIN_CMD                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_ADMIN_CMD                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_ADMIN_CMD                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_ENABLE                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_ENABLE_OPT               SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_DISABLE                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CONFIGURE                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CLEANUP                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CLEANUP                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CREATE                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CREATE                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_UPDATE                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_UPDATE                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_DROP                     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_DROP                     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_DROP_OPT                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_DROP_OPT                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_BACKUP                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_BACKUP                   SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_RESTORE                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_RESTORE                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_UPGRADE_CATALOG          SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_UPGRADE_INDEX            SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_ALTER                    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_ALTER                    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CLEAR_COMMANDLOCKS       SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CLEAR_COMMANDLOCKS       SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_ADM            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CLEAR_EVENTS             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSTS_MGR            R          EXECUTE     N         SYSTS_CLEAR_EVENTS             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         PD_GET_DIAG_HIST               SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_SYSTEM_INFO                SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_CONFIG                     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTS    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSDEBUG             R          EXECUTE     N         ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTS    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSDEBUGPRIVATE      R          EXECUTE     N         ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTS    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTS_NE SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
SYSDEBUG             R          EXECUTE     N         ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTS_NE SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SET_CONFIG                     SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         CANCEL_WORK                    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_MESSAGE                    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         SET_PLAN_HINT                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         GET_PLAN_HINT                  SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXPLAIN_SQL                    SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXPLAIN_SQL_HANDLE             SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DESIGN_ADVISOR                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ENV_GET_INSTANCE_CODE_LEVELS   SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ENV_GET_CF_SYS_RESOURCES       SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ITMAGENT_SET_CONFIG            SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_TASK_ADD                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_TASK_UPDATE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_TASK_REMOVE              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ASN_ADMIN_UTIL                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DB_MEMBERS                     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EXDYN_SQLCACHE                 SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_XML         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_STREAM      SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES      SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE1              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE2              SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE_UTIL          SYSPROC              PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_TEMP_TABLES          SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_TEMP_COLUMNS         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR        SYSIBMADM            PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR_2      SYSIBMADM            PROCEDURE               
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         MON_GET_APPLICATION_HANDLE     SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         MON_GET_APPLICATION_ID         SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         JSON_TABLE                     SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         JSON_TYPE                      SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         JSON_LEN                       SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         BSON2JSON                      SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         JSON2BSON                      SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         JSON_GET_POS_ARR_INDEX         SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         JSON_UPDATE                    SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         BSON_VALIDATE                  SYSTOOLS             FUNCTION                
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         ADMIN_GET_INVISIBILITY_LIST    SYSPROC              FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQL201230234216448             DB2INST1             FUNCTION                
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLE0P08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLE2P18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1157683943                    SYSPROC              DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P460884291                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P792642587                     SYSIBMINTERNAL       DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1024038561                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P800017058                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1195940908                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P829831171                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1670655856                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P75515741                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1627344214                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P871460562                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1151619133                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1407504802                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1867721258                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1552523333                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1914846320                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1720701627                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1332126595                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1894116474                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1372358291                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1649507101                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1906843071                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1123355428                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P964983103                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P695824062                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P754351840                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1564486555                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P52208987                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P296498895                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P869541438                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P928795306                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1626930365                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1199462553                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1720078376                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P945450434                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2037052373                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1815544622                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1364816496                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P207147610                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P393132588                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1723450354                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1090410012                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P110856380                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1677298822                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P104759591                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1075788753                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1354571622                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1391857268                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P236581967                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P594270112                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1626612298                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1535676025                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1237097646                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1643103531                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1572202508                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2006285376                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1426571219                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P697484812                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P105800129                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P786318504                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P807911345                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P12286397                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P538928939                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P771743243                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1449841004                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P570059343                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2090866189                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1139939138                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P565775245                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1753988618                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P932083152                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1999047400                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P369164006                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P826889426                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1155512724                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P314498356                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P833433979                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P822471013                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2096234907                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1018154696                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1337220276                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P408056594                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1092100652                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P550549706                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P31250118                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1488761668                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1309489224                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1122372739                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P891026988                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1631648165                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P656063961                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1802422183                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P834838497                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P530113128                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1537313112                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1246905357                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P500009441                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1100204300                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P80897676                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P451750008                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P583858897                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P609717546                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P387443897                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1629954198                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P478557738                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1226744270                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1766398323                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1266373431                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1808537386                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2140733601                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P566495160                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P61977857                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P49962779                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P514017633                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P723250769                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P460923201                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P194413924                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P356779289                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1431339660                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2064690140                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P642829989                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1264853735                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1657964182                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2117793458                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1719875996                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P102887258                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P271199868                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1350697103                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1528227308                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1515819018                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1255190494                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2045696441                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P130305093                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1978690614                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1590463779                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P324084231                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1245353967                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1351056549                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P103499467                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P339326146                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1162114276                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P511525057                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1654728019                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1975413669                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1915362500                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P54842813                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1733119930                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P379745618                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1575124959                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1812647986                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2065283629                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1420082634                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P251042608                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P348936667                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P238824881                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1360844100                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P188445943                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P444758890                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1868347948                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1743866663                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P440627505                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P699572478                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P223650226                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P428928331                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P296354536                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P396557387                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1942996938                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P834583038                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1342926991                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1563099547                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1491398054                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P981514560                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2087251884                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P567818259                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P392766028                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P401150767                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1872505486                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1602946258                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P608478349                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1905460207                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P14384590                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P406431233                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P337301156                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P846905982                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2138339456                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1517819644                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1708503516                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P439923099                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P434530301                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1644249328                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P146564970                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P243087938                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P936176021                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1029317699                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P459053954                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P372451220                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1168968425                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P199582991                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P619960332                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P915340465                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P44535607                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1993351630                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P354722305                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P301960934                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P966450446                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P102952851                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2107520245                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P437494513                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2125561884                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P546595641                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1923696080                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P887144526                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P198318481                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1626977481                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P196743035                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2038390275                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1685505168                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P404349444                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1455251338                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1882908375                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1430481286                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1320153974                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1198933938                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1521029723                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1705221271                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P837353149                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P945327970                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2132736212                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P406116861                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P558956504                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1160241834                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1885745759                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1336618710                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P357828930                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P641573136                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P509584401                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1624862516                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1284762287                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P736530750                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1269048752                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P798595593                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1183571704                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1340573426                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2023420705                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P670516217                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1785476391                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P529998136                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1079557956                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1776407734                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2094354644                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P274504050                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1403898220                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P56363233                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P764109520                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1034000918                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P8600949                       SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1020148427                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1714011828                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P195644345                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2046503702                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P846664653                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P105622845                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P614445424                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P332289855                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P442327933                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1603269943                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P290888406                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P948882059                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P922473782                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P42548212                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P507845517                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P331672751                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P140538751                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2119716845                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P374933836                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P255693875                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1515559406                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P663763359                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P83475926                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P691260193                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P361518542                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1394550872                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1644712286                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P812872617                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1992876308                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P591380217                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P222982017                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P963224219                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P99938783                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1880597604                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P962090955                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P525977796                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1280614454                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1942201104                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1861115943                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P547453053                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1487581883                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1956371171                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P171420005                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1602823154                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P591264917                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P1887761989                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P2075775261                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLABP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSLN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SYSSTAT                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLL9P1O                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         TUPLEWRT                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         DB2XDBMI                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SPIMP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SPUTP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         PRINTSG                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         REVALP08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         REVAFP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLE6P04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUAP22                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUCP0A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUJP0I                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUDP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUEP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUBP06                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUFP18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUPP04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUPP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUHP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLP1P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUIP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLC2P31                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLC3P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLC4P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLC5P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLC6P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLA1P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLA2P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLA4P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLA5P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLA3P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLE3P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUKP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUMP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLULP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUNP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUZP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLUOP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         AOTMP07                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         AGGDISC                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         SQLE8P05                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         P952991115                     DB2INST1             DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          CONTROL     N         POLYP04                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLE0P08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLE2P18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1157683943                    SYSPROC              DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P460884291                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P792642587                     SYSIBMINTERNAL       DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1024038561                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P800017058                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1195940908                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P829831171                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1670655856                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P75515741                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1627344214                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P871460562                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1151619133                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1407504802                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1867721258                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1552523333                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1914846320                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1720701627                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1332126595                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1894116474                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1372358291                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1649507101                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1906843071                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1123355428                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P964983103                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P695824062                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P754351840                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1564486555                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P52208987                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P296498895                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P869541438                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P928795306                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1626930365                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1199462553                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1720078376                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P945450434                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2037052373                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1815544622                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1364816496                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P207147610                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P393132588                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1723450354                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1090410012                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P110856380                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1677298822                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P104759591                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1075788753                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1354571622                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1391857268                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P236581967                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P594270112                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1626612298                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1535676025                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1237097646                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1643103531                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1572202508                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2006285376                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1426571219                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P697484812                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P105800129                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P786318504                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P807911345                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P12286397                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P538928939                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P771743243                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1449841004                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P570059343                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2090866189                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1139939138                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P565775245                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1753988618                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P932083152                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1999047400                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P369164006                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P826889426                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1155512724                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P314498356                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P833433979                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P822471013                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2096234907                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1018154696                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1337220276                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P408056594                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1092100652                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P550549706                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P31250118                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1488761668                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1309489224                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1122372739                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P891026988                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1631648165                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P656063961                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1802422183                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P834838497                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P530113128                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1537313112                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1246905357                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P500009441                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1100204300                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P80897676                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P451750008                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P583858897                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P609717546                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P387443897                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1629954198                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P478557738                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1226744270                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1766398323                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1266373431                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1808537386                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2140733601                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P566495160                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P61977857                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P49962779                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P514017633                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P723250769                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P460923201                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P194413924                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P356779289                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1431339660                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2064690140                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P642829989                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1264853735                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1657964182                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2117793458                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1719875996                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P102887258                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P271199868                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1350697103                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1528227308                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1515819018                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1255190494                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2045696441                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P130305093                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1978690614                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1590463779                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P324084231                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1245353967                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1351056549                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P103499467                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P339326146                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1162114276                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P511525057                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1654728019                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1975413669                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1915362500                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P54842813                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1733119930                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P379745618                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1575124959                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1812647986                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2065283629                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1420082634                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P251042608                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P348936667                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P238824881                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1360844100                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P188445943                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P444758890                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1868347948                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1743866663                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P440627505                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P699572478                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P223650226                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P428928331                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P296354536                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P396557387                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1942996938                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P834583038                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1342926991                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1563099547                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1491398054                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P981514560                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2087251884                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P567818259                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P392766028                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P401150767                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1872505486                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1602946258                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P608478349                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1905460207                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P14384590                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P406431233                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P337301156                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P846905982                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2138339456                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1517819644                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1708503516                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P439923099                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P434530301                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1644249328                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P146564970                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P243087938                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P936176021                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1029317699                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P459053954                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P372451220                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1168968425                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P199582991                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P619960332                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P915340465                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P44535607                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1993351630                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P354722305                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P301960934                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P966450446                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P102952851                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2107520245                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P437494513                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2125561884                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P546595641                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1923696080                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P887144526                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P198318481                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1626977481                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P196743035                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2038390275                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1685505168                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P404349444                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1455251338                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1882908375                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1430481286                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1320153974                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1198933938                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1521029723                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1705221271                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P837353149                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P945327970                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2132736212                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P406116861                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P558956504                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1160241834                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1885745759                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1336618710                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P357828930                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P641573136                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P509584401                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1624862516                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1284762287                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P736530750                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1269048752                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P798595593                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1183571704                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1340573426                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2023420705                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P670516217                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1785476391                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P529998136                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1079557956                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1776407734                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2094354644                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P274504050                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1403898220                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P56363233                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P764109520                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1034000918                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P8600949                       SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1020148427                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1714011828                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P195644345                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2046503702                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P846664653                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P105622845                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P614445424                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P332289855                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P442327933                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1603269943                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P290888406                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P948882059                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P922473782                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P42548212                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P507845517                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P331672751                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P140538751                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2119716845                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P374933836                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P255693875                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1515559406                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P663763359                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P83475926                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P691260193                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P361518542                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1394550872                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1644712286                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P812872617                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1992876308                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P591380217                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P222982017                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P963224219                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P99938783                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1880597604                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P962090955                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P525977796                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1280614454                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1942201104                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1861115943                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P547453053                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1487581883                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1956371171                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P171420005                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1602823154                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P591264917                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P1887761989                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P2075775261                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLABP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSLN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSLN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SYSSTAT                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SYSSTAT                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLL9P1O                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLL9P1O                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         TUPLEWRT                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         TUPLEWRT                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         DB2XDBMI                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         DB2XDBMI                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SPIMP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SPIMP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SPUTP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SPUTP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         PRINTSG                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         PRINTSG                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         REVALP08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         REVALP08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         REVAFP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         REVAFP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLE6P04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLABP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUAP22                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUAP22                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUCP0A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUCP0A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUJP0I                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUJP0I                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUDP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUDP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUEP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUEP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUBP06                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUBP06                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUFP18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUFP18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUPP04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUPP04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUPP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUPP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUHP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUHP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLP1P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLP1P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUIP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUIP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLC2P31                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLC2P31                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLC3P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLC3P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLC4P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLC4P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLC5P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLC5P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLC6P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLC6P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLA1P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLA1P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLA2P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLA2P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLA4P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLA4P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLA5P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLA5P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLA3P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLA3P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLE3P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLE3P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUKP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUKP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUMP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUMP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLULP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLULP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUNP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUNP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUZP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUZP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLUOP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         SQLUOP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         AOTMP07                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         AOTMP07                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         AGGDISC                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          BIND        N         AGGDISC                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         SQLE8P05                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         P952991115                     DB2INST1             DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          BIND        Y         POLYP04                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLE0P08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLE2P18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1157683943                    SYSPROC              DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P460884291                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P792642587                     SYSIBMINTERNAL       DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1024038561                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P800017058                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1195940908                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P829831171                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1670655856                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P75515741                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1627344214                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P871460562                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1151619133                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1407504802                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1867721258                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1552523333                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1914846320                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1720701627                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1332126595                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1894116474                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1372358291                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1649507101                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1906843071                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1123355428                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P964983103                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P695824062                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P754351840                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1564486555                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P52208987                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P296498895                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P869541438                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P928795306                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1626930365                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1199462553                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1720078376                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P945450434                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2037052373                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1815544622                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1364816496                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P207147610                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P393132588                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1723450354                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1090410012                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P110856380                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1677298822                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P104759591                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1075788753                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1354571622                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1391857268                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P236581967                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P594270112                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1626612298                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1535676025                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1237097646                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1643103531                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1572202508                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2006285376                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1426571219                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P697484812                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P105800129                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P786318504                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P807911345                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P12286397                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P538928939                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P771743243                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1449841004                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P570059343                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2090866189                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1139939138                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P565775245                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1753988618                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P932083152                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1999047400                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P369164006                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P826889426                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1155512724                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P314498356                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P833433979                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P822471013                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2096234907                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1018154696                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1337220276                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P408056594                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1092100652                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P550549706                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P31250118                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1488761668                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1309489224                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1122372739                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P891026988                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1631648165                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P656063961                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1802422183                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P834838497                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P530113128                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1537313112                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1246905357                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P500009441                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1100204300                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P80897676                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P451750008                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P583858897                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P609717546                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P387443897                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1629954198                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P478557738                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1226744270                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1766398323                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1266373431                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1808537386                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2140733601                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P566495160                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P61977857                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P49962779                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P514017633                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P723250769                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P460923201                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P194413924                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P356779289                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1431339660                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2064690140                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P642829989                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1264853735                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1657964182                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2117793458                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1719875996                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P102887258                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P271199868                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1350697103                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1528227308                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1515819018                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1255190494                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2045696441                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P130305093                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1978690614                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1590463779                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P324084231                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1245353967                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1351056549                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P103499467                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P339326146                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1162114276                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P511525057                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1654728019                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1975413669                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1915362500                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P54842813                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1733119930                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P379745618                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1575124959                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1812647986                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2065283629                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1420082634                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P251042608                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P348936667                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P238824881                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1360844100                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P188445943                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P444758890                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1868347948                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1743866663                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P440627505                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P699572478                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P223650226                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P428928331                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P296354536                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P396557387                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1942996938                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P834583038                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1342926991                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1563099547                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1491398054                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P981514560                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2087251884                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P567818259                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P392766028                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P401150767                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1872505486                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1602946258                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P608478349                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1905460207                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P14384590                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P406431233                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P337301156                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P846905982                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2138339456                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1517819644                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1708503516                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P439923099                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P434530301                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1644249328                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P146564970                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P243087938                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P936176021                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1029317699                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P459053954                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P372451220                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1168968425                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P199582991                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P619960332                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P915340465                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P44535607                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1993351630                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P354722305                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P301960934                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P966450446                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P102952851                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2107520245                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P437494513                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2125561884                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P546595641                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1923696080                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P887144526                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P198318481                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1626977481                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P196743035                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2038390275                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1685505168                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P404349444                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1455251338                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1882908375                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1430481286                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1320153974                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1198933938                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1521029723                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1705221271                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P837353149                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P945327970                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2132736212                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P406116861                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P558956504                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1160241834                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1885745759                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1336618710                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P357828930                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P641573136                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P509584401                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1624862516                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1284762287                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P736530750                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1269048752                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P798595593                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1183571704                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1340573426                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2023420705                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P670516217                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1785476391                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P529998136                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1079557956                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1776407734                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2094354644                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P274504050                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1403898220                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P56363233                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P764109520                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1034000918                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P8600949                       SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1020148427                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1714011828                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P195644345                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2046503702                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P846664653                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P105622845                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P614445424                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P332289855                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P442327933                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1603269943                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P290888406                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P948882059                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P922473782                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P42548212                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P507845517                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P331672751                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P140538751                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2119716845                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P374933836                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P255693875                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1515559406                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P663763359                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P83475926                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P691260193                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P361518542                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1394550872                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1644712286                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P812872617                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1992876308                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P591380217                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P222982017                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P963224219                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P99938783                      SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1880597604                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P962090955                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P525977796                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1280614454                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1942201104                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1861115943                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P547453053                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1487581883                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1956371171                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P171420005                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1602823154                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P591264917                     SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P1887761989                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P2075775261                    SYSIBMADM            DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLABP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLH402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN200                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN201                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN202                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN100                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN101                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN102                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN300                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN301                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN302                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN400                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN401                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSLN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSLN402                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SYSSTAT                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SYSSTAT                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLL9P1O                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLL9P1O                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         TUPLEWRT                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         TUPLEWRT                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DB2XDBMI                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         DB2XDBMI                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SPIMP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SPIMP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SPUTP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SPUTP02                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         PRINTSG                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         PRINTSG                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         REVALP08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         REVALP08                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         REVAFP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         REVAFP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLE6P04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLABP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUAP22                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUAP22                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUCP0A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUCP0A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUJP0I                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUJP0I                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUDP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUDP03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUEP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUEP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUBP06                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUBP06                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUFP18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUFP18                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUPP04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUPP04                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUPP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUPP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUHP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUHP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLP1P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLP1P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUIP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUIP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLC2P31                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLC2P31                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLC3P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLC3P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLC4P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLC4P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLC5P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLC5P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLC6P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLC6P2A                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLA1P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLA1P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLA2P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLA2P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLA4P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLA4P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLA5P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLA5P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLA3P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLA3P01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLE3P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLE3P03                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUKP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUKP0D                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUMP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUMP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLULP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLULP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUNP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUNP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUZP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUZP01                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLUOP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         SQLUOP02                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         AOTMP07                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         AOTMP07                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         AGGDISC                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     N         AGGDISC                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         SQLE8P05                       NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         P952991115                     DB2INST1             DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         POLYP04                        NULLID               DB2 PACKAGE             
DB2INST1             U          USAGE       Y         SAMPSEQUENCE                   DB2INST1             SEQUENCE                
DB2INST1             U          ALTER       Y         SAMPSEQUENCE                   DB2INST1             SEQUENCE                
DB2INST1             U          USAGE       Y         CUSTOMER                       DB2INST1             XML OBJECT              
DB2INST1             U          USAGE       Y         PRODUCT                        DB2INST1             XML OBJECT              
DB2INST1             U          USAGE       Y         SUPPLIER                       DB2INST1             XML OBJECT              
DB2INST1             U          USAGE       Y         PORDER                         DB2INST1             XML OBJECT              
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         MON_INTERVAL_ID                SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         ROUTINE_SPECIFIC_NAME          SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         ROUTINE_TYPE                   SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         ROUTINE_MODULE                 SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         ROUTINE_SCHEMA                 SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         PACKAGE_NAME                   SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         PACKAGE_SCHEMA                 SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         PACKAGE_VERSION                SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         CLIENT_IPADDR                  SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         CLIENT_HOST                    SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         TRUSTED_CONTEXT                SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         NLS_STRING_UNITS               SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         SQL_COMPAT                     SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         DFS_EXTERNAL_INPUT_LIBRARY     SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          READ        N         LOCAL_DATE_FORMAT              SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          WRITE       N         NLS_STRING_UNITS               SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          WRITE       N         SQL_COMPAT                     SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          WRITE       N         DFS_EXTERNAL_INPUT_LIBRARY     SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          WRITE       N         LOCAL_DATE_FORMAT              SYSIBM               GLOBAL VARIABLE         
PUBLIC               G          USAGE       N         SYSDEFAULTUSERWORKLOAD                              WORKLOAD                
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_DDL                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_DDL                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_OUTPUT                    SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_OUTPUT                    SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_ALERT                     SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_PIPE                      SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_JOB                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_JOB                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_LOB                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_LOB                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_SQL                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_SQL                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_UTILITY                   SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_UTILITY                   SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_LOCK                      SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_LOCK                      SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_STATS                     SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_STATS                     SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO          SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO          SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         UTL_DIR                        SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         UTL_FILE                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         UTL_RAW                        SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         UTL_ENCODE                     SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         UTL_TCP                        SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         UTL_SMTP                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         UTL_MAIL                       SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_STANDARD                  SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_STANDARD                  SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         MONREPORT                      SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
DB2INST1             U          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_RANDOM                    SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  
PUBLIC               G          EXECUTE     Y         DBMS_RANDOM                    SYSIBMADM            MODULE                  

  2588 record(s) selected.

db2 =>

Managing Instances

Specifying Instance for Interaction

Creating Instances

As we saw in Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part II: Installation With DB2 Setup Wizard, the Db2 Setup GUI wizard creates one instance associated with the copy of Db2 installed by the wizard. It is also possible to manually create additional instances associated with the copy installed by the wizard or any of the other installation methods.

The use of the command to create instances manually -- db2icrt -- was illustrated in Section Installing by Extracting Payload Files of Getting Started with IBM DB2 on Linux Part III: Manual Installation as part of this manual installation process.

Each copy of Db2 contains this command in the subdirectory instance of its installation directory. The copy whose installation directory contains the command is the copy with which the created instance is associated. In order for the created instance to be associated with the intended copy of Db2, it must be executed with its full path as in

root@u1804-lab:~# /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5_03/instance/db2icrt -a server -u db2fenc3 db2inst3

or after changing to the directory that contains it as in

root@u1804-lab:~# cd /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5_03/instance
./db2icrt -a server -u db2fenc3 db2inst3

The command takes as an argument the name of the instance to be created, which must be the same as the username of an existing user who will become the instance owner and whose home directory will become the instance home directory. The command takes options to specify the characteristics of the instance, of which only the -u is required for a Db2 server. Characteristics not specified by including options are set to defaults based on the type of instance created. Some of the available options are listed below.

The argument to this option specifies the instance fenced user username. The user must exist before issuing the command.
The argument to this option specifies the authentication type. Possible option values are SERVER, SERVER_ENCRYPT, or CLIENT
The arguments to this option configure the Text Search Service. Possible arguments to this option are "TEXT_SEARCH,servicename", "TEXT_SEARCH,servicename,portnumber", or "TEXT_SEARCH,portnumber"
Specifies the TCP/IP port number or port name for TCP/IP communication.
Specifies the instance type to create. Possible option values are

Starting Instances

To start an instance, the db2start command is executed by the instance owner or any user that has been added to the instance owner's primary group. Before the command is executed, however, the appropriate environment variables for the instance must be set by sourcing one of the scripts mentioned above, in the case of the Bourne shell would be db2profile. For example for the instance db2inst2 source the Bourne shell script with:

. /home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2profile

Then start the instance with:


Auto-Starting Instances

In order for an instance to be automatically started at system boot, the global registry parameter named startAtBoot has a value of 1. The value of this parameter can be verified with, for example, for an instance named db2inst1:

db2greg -getinstrec instancename='db2inst1'

If the value is 0 or blank, it can be set to 1 with:

db2greg -updinstrec instancename='db2inst1'!startatboot=1

In addition to the startAtBoot value being set to 1, allowing auto-starting, it must be enabled with the command, for example, for instance db2inst1, with the command:

db2iauto -on db2inst1

Stopping an Instance

The system command db2stop is used to stop an instance. Alternatively, the DB2 command STOP DATABASE MANAGER can be issued in a CLP command mode session. As usual with any instance specific actions the user executing commands must be the instance owner or another user that has membership in the primary user group of the instance owner and the environment variables appropriate for the instance must be set as described above. Also, before this command is issued, any connections to the instance by database users and applications must be terminated as follows.

  1. First display database users and database applications
  2. Disconnect applications and users with
  3. If the CLP is attached, or connected, to the instance through a database session, the CLP session must be ended with

Finally issue the system command db2stop.

Selected References and Further Reading